Friday, July 10, 2009


I fell asleep on the couch at 9:30.  Darin woke me up at 11:30 to go to bed, but now I can't sleep.  There's so much going on in my head.  Thinking about our new baby.  In NINE days we will know if this baby is a boy or girl.  The name will be Stephen if it's a boy, but we're still haggling over a girl name.  Darin still likes Beatrice.  I like Helen.  At this point, we're sick of talking about it.  ;-)  Really, in the past, when we've been able to settle on a name for a boy or girl first, the baby ends up being the gender of that name.  It has worked with every baby so far.  We'll see in nine days! 

Ben is in Colorado with his Aunt, Uncle and Cuz.  We miss him.  Henry especially.  Poor Henry.  He's just 3 and doesn't get it.  He thinks Ben should "come home now."  So do I, but I guess we'll survive till he gets back.  I know he's going to have a load of fun on this trip. 

I'm craving a chai from Starbucks.

We are going to a new chiropractor!  This guy is the cat's meow, man.  We have benefitted from chiropractic adjustments for three years now and are excited, thinking that we will benefit even more with this new doctor.  Darin has begun to experience some numbness and weakness in his hands and I am especially anxious for him to get better.  Our new chiro said the section of spine that this is related to is in Darin's neck and also relates to heart issues and high blood pressure.  Darin has been diagnosed with high blood pressure which we've kept in check with cod liver oil.  I'm praying hard that these issues are worked out for him with this new chiropractor.

Today I was cleaning up in the office - toys everywhere.  Sophia (19 mos) came in the room and backed into my lap for some cuddling.  I can't resist that.

This pregnancy has left me highly sensitive to noise.  Hmmmmm.  Not a good thing with five other kids in the house!  My impulse is to take all of them up to our bed and for us to all nap the day away.  But you know, they don't want to take naps all day!  LoL  In fact, we are in a phase where the boys cannot stop roughhousing, and they are all very testy with each other and each seems to want to be the parent of all the others.  I have to call out to God for every bit of patience He can spare.  Spending hours at the pool three times each week has helped a little because it wears them out, but I'm concerned about their hearts.  Darin and I keep telling each other, "just be water over the rock.  Water over the rock.  Make their rough edges smooth." 

My niece has been able to hook up with her birth father's family and I'm so glad for her. 

Okay.  I think I can probably go to sleep now.  Yawwwwwwwn. 


1 comment:

  1. I remember agonizing over a middle name for daughter #3. It really can get to be exhausting. We didn't make the final decision until after she was born! :-) Wishing you quiet, peaceful days this week.

