Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Comfort Food

I really love cooking for my family.  It has become quite the adventure since Third Son has learned to push a chair around the kitchen to whichever cabinet I happen to be standing at to cook.  I suck it up and play along - not always easy because he always wants to help pour and stir.  A lot of our ingredients end up on the floor, counter, or us.  ;-)

So Third Son and I have been working together to perfect a recipe that I found over at Tammy's Recipes.  I love her recipes because they are usually the kind of recipes that my family goes for.  The recipe that we finally achieved perfection on is called Farmhouse Chicken.  Talk about comfort food.  This one is the best!  After much tweaking, here is our final result:

Farmhouse Chicken

1 c. butter
1 c. flour
8 c. milk
2 lbs. chicken, cubed
3 carrots, sliced
2 celery, sliced
1/2 c. shredded swiss cheese
2 t. salt
1 1/2 t. pepper
1 1/2 t. thyme
12 oz. package stuffing mix

In a pan, melt butter and then add flour.  Stir until bubbly, then cook one minute.  Slowly add in milk, stirring continually to avoid lumps.  Add chicken, carrots, celery, cheese, salt, pepper and thyme.  Cook and stir until bubbly - about 15 minutes.
Pour mixture into 13x9 inch pan (it will be REALLY full!).  Top with stuffing.  Bake, uncovered, at 350 for 30 minutes.

I really increased the size of this recipe because of the size of my family, so if you're interested in Tammy's original measurements, go HERE.  For the 2 lbs. of chicken, I use leftover chicken from a whole, baking chicken that we usually have for dinner the night before. 

I like to serve green beans, homemade applesauce and another recipe I got from Tammy.  Pumpkin Rolls.  Another to-die-for recipe.  It's a big recipe and usually provides enough rolls for 3 meals for my family.  I made some last night, and they are so good, that Second Son claimed the biggest one for himself.  We didn't realize it, but he licked it and placed it next to the cup he had been drinking water from.  I saw the roll as I was bagging them up, so threw it in with the rest.  Then tonight at dinner my husband and I found out what he did.  Of course we told him that was not the way to treat our food, but Second Son kept on and on and on about how he was cheated out of the biggest roll and yadda, yadda, yadda.  Well.  There was one roll left and Second Son asked for it.  My husband is not one to let things just slide, so he licked the roll and passed it to Second Son who said, "You didn't really lick it!"  His timing was off.  I had the roll in my hands, so I gave it a good lick, making sure he saw it!  He is very anti-germ and refused to eat it after that.  We all got a good laugh over that one. 

Anyway, go here to get the recipe.  I didn't do any tweaking.  Although I've been making it in my KitchenAid and the amount of dough is a bit much for it.  By the time the dough was ready to set aside to rise, my poor mixer was starting to smoke from the strain.  I think next time I'll half the recipe.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Feelin' Strong Now!

I couldn't resist this YouTube video.  I'm gonna have to check out getting my own side of beef....

I have to tell you that if it wasn't for you guys, I would have given into temptation this week!  I'm not dieting, but I am being a little more careful about what I eat.  On Monday night, I had to go to Toys R Us to buy a birthday present for a party two of my kids were going to.  I haven't been to Toys R Us in FOREVER.  After I finally found what I was looking for and made my way to the front, I was just about overcome with all the tempting junk food they had by the registers!  I don't remember it being like that before.  Peanut M&Ms, Snickers, and they even had ice cream in a little cooler - remember Drumsticks?  Man, I wanted one of those.  But I thought of you guys out there working out with me and thought of what a waste it would be if I ate any of that stuff, so I walked as far away from all of that as I could and left the store with a victory!

The second temptation came on Thursday afternoon.  My husband worked from home that day so I was able to get out in the afternoon and take care of some long overdue errands.  I was dying for a venti, breve, 10-pump chai tea from Starbucks.  It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't close to 1,000 calories in it.  ;-)  Again, I reminded myself that you guys were working with me, and I was able to resist.  THANK YOU!

I'm still working out with my Cindy Crawford video.  I'm a Little Miss All-or-Nothing and have a hard time not working out every day.  I have to make myself not workout at least two days a week.  So I'm working out five days a week.  (Can you imagine the huge pile of laundry on my bedroom floor and our dirty bathrooms?)  I'm finally to the point where I'm not sore after a workout anymore and can feel a difference from that very painful first week in how I keep up with Cindy.  It occurred to me that I'm working out with a 20-something-year-old.  Where are all the workout videos made by 40-year-olds????  Anywho....(did I really just write "anywho"???) even though I've been dedicated to working out and watching what I eat, I've gained two pounds this week!  Waaaaaaaaah!  But ya know how they say muscle weighs more than fat?  Well, I've decided I've gained two pounds of muscle.  LOL  I wish!

I can't wait to read your updates!  Sign-in with Mr. Linky and leave a comment!


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Freedom in Christ

I knew a woman who went an entire school year without teaching her son any school subjects because she was waiting on a leading from God on which curriculum to use.  It kinda wigged me out.  I kept wondering if I was not as godly as she was since I didn't sit around waiting to hear the voice of God tell me to go the way of Charlotte Mason or The Well-Trained Mind.  I prayed about it, did some research, then made a decision based on the research and how I "felt" God leading me.  My decision wasn't perfect, but God led me along the way, and I've tweaked things here and there to make our homeschooling experience as good as can be.  I've learned along the way, and I realize that for the most part, a lot of my learning was aquired through lessons learned and wisdom gained along the path.  There's really, REALLY something good in that process, I believe.  I think that God takes us slowly along the path He wants us to be on because while on that path, we become sanctified.  We can't just all of a sudden "be there."  God has given us a freedom to make choices which naturally lead to consequences for good or bad, but absolutely for His ultimate glory and our ultimate sanctification.

Till this very day - even to this very hour - I've often wondered about that woman's approach versus my approach.  A few minutes ago, I read a blog entry that one of our pastors at church forwarded along and a light bulb went on for me!  You've got to read it!  ;-)

For me, this is the crucial paragraph from the post:
A subjective sense of leading--when we've asked for it (as in James 1:5 we ask for wisdom) and when God freely gives it--is wonderful.  The desire for such a subjective sense of leading, however, is too often, in contemporary evangelical piety, binding our brothers and sisters in Christ, paralyzing them from enjoying the good choices that God may provide, and causing them to wait wrongly before acting. 

The Bondage of "Guidance"

by mdever

This will be brief.  The way many Christians practice seeking God's will before they make a decision amounts to spiritual and emotional bondage.  Christ has died to give us liberty and freedom (Rom. 6; Gal. 5; I Peter 2).  We can only know the truth about God's will by what His Spirit reveals to us.  He has revealed God's mind authoritatively in His Word.  We should give ourselves to study what He has revealed.  Personal reading, meditation, sermons, friends and books are all available to us to help us to better understand God's revealed will.

I do believe that God's Spirit will sometimes lead us subjectively.  So, for instance, I am choosing to spend my life here on Capitol Hill because my wife & I sensed in 1993 that that is what God wanted us to do.  However, I realized then (and now) that I could be wrong about that supposition.  Scripture is NEVER wrong.  I was free in 1993 to stay in England, or teach at a seminary, either of which would have been delightful opportunities.  I understand that I was free to make those choices.  But I chose, consulting Scripture, friends, wisdom, and my own subjective sense of the Lord's will, to come to DC.  And even if I were wrong about that, I had (and have) that freedom in Christ to act in a way that is not sin.  And I understand my pastoring here not to be sin.  So I am free.  Regardless of the sense of leading I had.

Most decisions I've made in my Christian life, I've made with no such sense of subjective leading.  Maybe some would say that this is a mark of my spiritual immaturity.  I understand this to be the way a redeemed child of God normally lives in this fallen world before the fullness of the Kingdom comes, Christ returns, and immediate, constant, unbroken fellowship with God is re-established.

A subjective sense of leading--when we've asked for it (as in James 1:5 we ask for wisdom) and when God freely gives it--is wonderful.  The desire for such a subjective sense of leading, however, is too often, in contemporary evangelical piety, binding our brothers and sisters in Christ, paralyzing them from enjoying the good choices that God may provide, and causing them to wait wrongly before acting. 

Beware of the bondage of "guidance."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lyrical Earth Science Giveaway

  Mama Archer is having a giveaway for something groovy sounding. Lyrical Earth Science.  This part of her description makes it sound too good to pass up!

Setting important science concepts with old, familiar tunes, they have created 18 songs teaching earth science concepts including topics such as plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, minerals, types of rocks, weathering, erosion, glaciers, groundwater, soil, and topographical maps. Melodies used include Handel’s Water Music, My Grandfather’s Clock, Shendandoah, Souza’s Washington Post March, The Boll Weevil, Wabash Cannonball, and others.

Lyrical Earth Science Volume 1 CoverMama Archer is accepting entries until the 15th of March. 

Monday, February 18, 2008

There Was Not the Smallest Duty Left Undone

Catching up on all the stuff in my email inbox tonight, I came across an article that I get through Feedburner from Pulpit Magazine.  John MacArthur wrote about Paul and his success in this world as a follower of Christ.  Here's a blurb:

Facing his own imminent martyrdom, Paul had no fear, no despondency, and no desire to stay in this world. He longed to be with Christ and eagerly anticipated the reward He would receive in the next world. Therefore, as he reviewed the course of his life, he expressed no regret, no sense of unfulfillment, and no feeling of incompleteness. There was not the smallest duty left undone. He had finished the work the Lord gave him to do, just as in Acts 20:24 he had hoped and prayed he would do: “so that I may finish my race with joy.”

"There was not the smallest duty left undone."  That keeps pinging around my brain and makes me wanna pray that I will be faithful to what God has called me to.  Certainly NOTHING near as hard as what Paul went through.  As I told my Husband the other day, "I could wear my jammies all day if I wanted and it would be okay."  ;-)  I have it EASY!  But there are days like today, where everyone is grouchy and non-compliant and I FEEL as if I have something to complain about.  What a whiner!  So while I FEEL as if I deserve a break from the grind calling that God has placed on my life as a mother, I have to ask myself if there is even the smallest thing that I have left undone today as a result of my own bad attitude.  Youch!

Exercise Challenge, Week 1

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

Back in 2002 I read the book A Mom Just Like You by Vickie and Jayme Farris.  The blurb on the back of the book sounded great.  It said, "If you've ever wondered, 'Okay, how do you do it?' you just picked up the right book!  Through her warm, practical style, Vickie will fill you with encrouragement and practical suggestions for those days when the challenge seems overwhelming."

I was only two years into homeschooling and was reading everything about homeschooling that I could at that point.  Little did I realize that there were two chapters in the book that discussed allowing God to control the womb.  Doh!  This was during the time that First and Only Husband and I were gearing up for a vasectomy.  This is the book that got my brain VERY slowly turning in a new direction and I guess you could say this challenge to exercise also stems from this book.  So I guess that takes Mama Archer off the hook - we can no longer blame her for all this silliness.  ;-)

Vickie wrote about how important exercise is for her.  She takes a four-mile walk daily to stay in shape, and she watches her calories.  She wrote, "in watching my own calorie intake, I often avoid certain dishes that I have cooked for the rest of the family..."  As I have gotten further into this FullQuiver thang, I have found myself starting to understand where she's coming from.  I can see what my body looks like after five.  What if we have two more?  Ugh. 

So about two weeks ago, I started exercising.  Can you say "this girl can't even do a sit-up?????"  OH MY GOODNESS!  I am SO out of shape!  But I was so gung-ho the first week.  I worked out every day but one.  Then last week, which was Week 2 for me, it started to get harder.  There I was, getting into the groove with Cindy Crawford....feeling gooood.......enjoying the workout.......getting stronger........then I saw myself in the mirror.  Youch!  Not much of a change that I could see.  That is the biggest struggle for me!  I want to see instant results.  It's easy for me to give up when the results don't come as quickly as I want.  And things never happen as quickly as I want.  I have had to keep this in my prayers because I want to bring HONOR to God through my pregnancies.  It would kill me to hear a friend or family member say something negative about us having a seemingly endless number of babies because I've let myself get unhealthy and that unhealthiness puts an unnecessary strain on our family.  I want to do everything I can to bring glory to God through our family size.

Romans 12:1 is my theme verse for this exercising fun.  "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." Keeping myself in shape is part of the package of giving my womb to God.  Just like allowing God to control my womb, this exercise thing is not always something I want to do, and it's not always easy, but I feel it's so important!

Since I started working out, I've lost four pounds!  Woohoo!  I'm working out with the same Cindy Crawford video I've owned since 1991.  Call me a creature of habit.  ;-)

Cindy Crawford - Shape Your Body Workout

Join Alicia from Ambient Solace, Desi and Mama Archer and me as we work to get in shape!  :-)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Challenge

Mama Archer posted a comment on the entry that I wrote on feeling like, as a Quiverfull Mom, I need to keep in shape.  She wrote, "oh, did you just issue the challenge to exercise?? HAHA"

Well.  Did you just issue the challenge to issue a challenge to exercise?  LOL!  Either way, that's what I'm gonna do.

All you Moms of Many out there.....we need to stay in shape!  God's blessings are many, but that doesn't mean we get to sit back and do nothing.  We have to work FOR them and because of them.  ;-)  Not only do we get to deal with poopy diapers, spit-up, potty training, and sleep deprivation, but also bodies that start sagging.  As we get older - believe me, I know what I'm talking about here - the toll on our bodies starts to add up.  We can't allow ourselves to get to the point to where another pregnancy slows us down if it doesn't have to.

So if you would like to join me in some exercise fun, please grab the code for the button below and we can hold each other accountable.  If you join in, I would like you to post each Monday, letting us know your progress.  I will have Mr. Linky available starting today!  Sign-in with Mr. Linky and leave me a comment.  :-)

Just copy the code in the textbox below the button and paste it to your blog and it will put this challenge button on your blog with a link right back here so others can also enjoy this challenge.

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge


Friday, February 8, 2008

Seasonal Delights

Seasonal Delights, the online magazine has made their website open to everyone - no subscription required to take a look at the kewl craft and recipe ideas they post each week.  Go check it out!  There are some fun Valentine projects posted right now.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Blog in Gangsta

Apparently my Husband doesn't have enough to do when he's at work.  Next time he moans about all they pile on him, I'm just gonna roll my eyes at him because today he sent me one of my blog entries that he entered into some online thingy that translated it into "Gangsta."  Take a look:

I am a human napkin.  Second Son sits next ta me on a B-to-tha-izzench at tha gangsta table.  There is always a few times dur'n a mizzy that he wiznill slide over ta cuddle wit me n wizzy his grill on mah arm while he's there.  F-to-tha-izzirst Playa has bizzy kniznown ta gizzy me a hug n wipe her nizzy on mah shirt frizzont while she's at it.

I assumed tizzle I became they human napkin coz of laziness or sum-m sum-m, but I'm beginn'n ta thizzay it's sum-m sum-m thiznat is innate coz tha otha day, Third Siznon, who is only 22 months old, was saggin' his hands at tha kitchen sink.  I was mackin' there wit him n afta he finished rins'n tha soap bubbles diznown tha drain he reached over ta me n said, "Dry hands, Mama" n proceeded ta gizzle mah shirt ta do tha job.  While he was at it he gave me a big hug.

I am a human napkin, n I am loved.  ;-) – beware using the translator, it sometimes chooses some language that would not be appropriate for all eyes.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Life for Me

Mentally, I'm still in a learning stage when it comes to being a Full Quiver Mom.  We just had our second reversal baby.  There are two things that are kicking in for me with this new blessing:

1)  Really, I learn this with every baby, but it's more intense with each time is not my own.  I am constantly on-the-go these days and just about none of my going is for me.  With five in the house, there's always going to be someone who needs something, a meal that needs to be made, cleaning that needs to get done (nah, who needs a clean toilet seat?  ;-), yadda, yadda, yadda.  More so now than ever, I find myself having to will myself to do some of the things that come my way each day.  I want to read a book, work on the cross stich project I was silly enough to start recently, scrapbook......whatever!  I am really being stretched in this area.  Having children really does contribute to our sanctification! 

2)  I have gotten to the point where I realize that I HAVE to exercise daily because 1) pregnancy is a nine-month marathon.  Ya just HAVE to be in shape for it!  2)  I'm afraid to give childbearing a bad rap with my flabby body.  There are enough excuses out there for women to decide not to have a child.  I don't want to be the one to convince someone that they'll end up a flabby mess if they get pregnant.  Especially when it's not the baby that causes the flab.  It's lazy moms who don't take care of themselves!

I find that having "all these children" stretches me rather than causes me to stagnate.  Who are the Moms that think they have to take a pottery class to feel as if they are still interesting?  I don't feel bored or boring.  Daily I feel challenged and encouraged to think in new ways.  This is the life for me!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

I Am a Human Napkin

I am a human napkin.  Second Son sits next to me on a bench at the dinner table.  There are always a few times during a meal that he will slide over to cuddle with me and wipe his mouth on my arm while he's there.  First Daughter has been known to give me a hug and wipe her nose on my shirt front while she's at it.

I assumed that I became their human napkin because of laziness or something, but I'm beginning to think it's something that is innate because the other day, Third Son, who is only 22 months old, was washing his hands at the kitchen sink.  I was standing there with him and after he finished rinsing the soap bubbles down the drain he reached over to me and said, "Dry hands, Mama" and proceeded to grab my shirt to do the job.  While he was at it he gave me a big hug.

I am a human napkin, and I am loved.  ;-)