Friday, November 26, 2010


Reading Masterly Inactivity with Charlotte Mason (free download!) and came across this quote:

...if you are in the fence-building stage with little ones, mark the boundaries clearly, knowing that you are operating under God's authority. Be faithful to establish your God-given authority now.

It's good to be reminded that God created the family and the structure of authority within the family.  These days, it's easy to get caught under the thought that we should give up our authority to government, family, friends.....perfect strangers in the grocery store!  ;-)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Laundry Day

Today Ben has been sick with a fever and sore throat.  Today is usually the day that he does his laundry, so I did it for him.  What a privilege.  He's so close to leaving home.  Words and phrases such as college, dual-credit, SAT, ACT, driver's license are tossed about quite a bit these days.  I'm so excited to see Ben "grow and go."  He has so much to do, and I can't wait to see his life unfold.  Until then, I will, with thanks, serve him while he's still here.