Monday, December 29, 2008

A Chicken Named Heather

My second son, Jack, who is 8, loves poetry.  He actually jumps up and down and makes excited noises when it's time to read or write a poem.  I never had that issue.;-)  I'm glad he does.  Here is his latest poem:

I have a chicken named Heather.
She has a lucky feather.
It is white.
She likes to look at it at night.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Chicken Invaders

I have a weakness.  It's a computer game called Chicken Invaders.  A couple years back when my little bro was here for a visit, he got all of us hooked - except my husband, Darin.  He thinks it's a silly game.  But that didn't stop him from getting it for ME for Christmas this year.  Oyve.  What I think Darin has forgotten is that we have had this game in our possession before, and I puposefully deleted it from all the computers in the house.  I just had to.  I was addicted.  If there was any sort of lull in the day - no matter how long or short - I always ended up drifting over to the computer to play for a bit.  So I nipped the problem in the bud and deleted it.  Game Over, man.

But now it's back.  I think I'm old enough to handle the challenge of the addiction now.  We don't allow computer games during the week.  Only during the weekends, with a time limit.  I'm not allowing myself to pull out the "I'm the mommy, I can play whenever I want" routine.  No playing during the week applies to me, too!

I'm a member of a Charlotte Mason yahoogroup.  Really, I'm a huge lurker, but at least I'm an active lurker - I read and digest every conversation.  So good.  Everyone is chatting about "Habit" right now.  One of the ladies wrote in today, and I just have to share with you a snippet of what she wrote because it spoke to me about all the good habits I'm trying to instill in my kids, and beat into myself in an attempt at proving that an old dawg can learn new tricks.  Here goes:
Quoting CM:
“It is necessary that the mother be always on the alert to nip in the bud the bad habit her children may be in the act of picking up from servants or from other children." (inserting my own commentary here.  I cannot let the servants-thing pass without a sigh!  SIGH) 

How often do I hear "Why can't I? So-and-so does it!"  Trying to be the child's ally and not just saying "Because I said so!" is challenging and really gets my brain working.  When I take time and work with the child to find solutions, there is less friction and my mind does not persist in the same ruts and feel so tired of covering the same road.

Again, quoting CM:
"Tact, watchfulness, and persistence are the qualities she must cultivate in herself; and, with these, she will be astonished at the readiness with which the child picks up the new habit. "

Without tact, I'm a nag.
Without watchfulness, I'm inconsistent.
Without persistence, I'm weak.
So good.  Consistency is the key.  Persistence is the only way to stay consistent.  Asking God for passion for the job He's given me is the only way I can stay persistent.  The ONLY way.  Outside of God's inspiration, the only things I want to do is read, take naps and keep a perfectly clean house.  Inside God's will - that passion He's placed in my heart - I want to "lay down my life" (John 15:13)for my husband and children. 

Now that I have a handle on that Chicken Invaders has no hold over me.  ;-)


Friday, December 26, 2008

Flabby Mama

As I was walking out of Target today, there was a woman ahead of me walking out with her son.  She was probably in her 40's.  She was also probably not in the same shape she was in when she first met her husband - kinda like me.  ;-)  But I couldn't help thinking, "Her husband loves her just the way she is.  Her husband loves her BECAUSE of the way she is."

I can't help thinking thoughts like those because my husband does such a good job of loving me just the way I am - because of the way I am.  When I first started feeling insecure about my flabby arms and thighs, there was Darin, reassuring me, and doing such a great job of it that whenever I see another woman with flabby arms and thighs, I think about how her husband loves her. 

Sigh.  God is good.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Prince, New Pomp

Behold a silly tender Babe, in freezing winter night;
In homely manger trembling lies, alas a piteous sight:
The inns are full, no man will yield this little Pilgrim bed,
But forced He is with silly beasts, in crib to shroud His head.
Despise Him not for lying there, first what He is enquire:
An orient pearl is often found, in depth of dirty mire;
Weigh not His crib, His wooden dish, nor beasts that by Him feed:
Weigh not His mother's poor attire, nor Joseph's simple weed.
This stable is a Prince's court, the crib His chair of state:
The beasts are parcel of His pomp, the wooden dish His plate.
The persons in that poor attire, His royal liveries wear,
The Prince Himself is come from heaven, this pomp is prized there.
With joy approach, O Christian wight, do homage to thy King,
And highly prize this humble pomp, which He from heaven doth bring.
-by Robert Southwell

So much is going on around here in anticipation of Christmas that I must leave this blog until January.  Can't wait to share all that we've been doing when I check back in!

Merry Christmas, ya'll.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Blogger Friend School - #112

Assignment:  Write about your favorite ‘faith food’.  Tell about the books of the Bible that you read that help to build your faith..nurture the seeds of faith inside you. 

My favorite encouraging book from the Bible is Nehemiah.  When God gave him the vision to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem, he did not waver.  From all sides, he was harassed, yet he never gave up.  Instead, he made sure that "those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon.  Every one of the builders had his sword girded at his side as he built (4:17-18)."

Nehemiah never forgot that God was his strength.  He said, "Hear, O our God, for we are despised... (4:4)"
"Our God will fight for us" (4:20).
"Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands" (6:9b). 

My husband and I were just chatting tonight about one of our harder-headed ones.  There are times when we feel as if we are just talking to the wind with this one.  Will we ever succeed in doing anything but pushing this one into the life of a criminal? 

"O God, strengthen our hands!"

Parenting is not for the weak of heart, and I have to admit that there are times when I feel weak.  There are times when I lay down the law about some issue and the kids look at me as if I have lobsters coming out of my ears.  Sometimes I think, "OK, am I being the freak here?  Is this the right path?"  That's when I call my husband and have him reassure me that I am not the freak.  ;-)  And then together we say, "Our God will fight for us!"

Nehemiah never gave up.  He never lost the vision of the job God gave him.  He worked through the internal and external strife and overcame all as he relied on God for protection, help and encouragement.  And what else can we do, but keep our noses to the grindstone and persevere in what we believe God is leading us to do with our family.  And while we work, we will keep our "swords" (the Bible) at our sides to encourage us and "strengthen our hands" for the work.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Roaring of the Waves

Our pastor included a note of encouragement in this past week's church bulletin.  It's so good, I wanted to share.....

May I share with you a word of encuragement - encouragement in a day when many are afraid at what the future may hold, fear at what the Bible calls the "roaring of the waves."

Christians are born (or reborn) for adversity.  We are the ones with invisible means of support.  We are the ones who bear fruit in times of drought.  We know the perspective as to why our nation needs to be shaken to its foundations.  We alone have the true God who is found through prayer.

The people of God flourish in adversity.  It is prosperity that far more often has proved the weakening of the church.  We may be brought back to the things most important.  We may have to open our homes and means and tables to brethren in need.  But remember...we cut our infants' teeth in the fires of Roman persecution and medieval crucibles.

So fear not, bring on the coming day...
We welcome the match and will call all men to observe our mettle...
So..."screw thy courage to the sticking place."
Our Prince runs full bore to hills of skulls.

"All things belong to You...things to come...all things belong to You..."
   -1 Corinthians 3:22

Monday, December 1, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

Well, it's been a few weeks since I posted about my exercise progress.  Didn't want you all to think I abandoned the cause!  I'm still exercising.  I've been getting up around 6 and doing a 30 minute walk with Leslie Sansone.  This is a big, fat deal for me (HA!  No pun intended...sigh).  Getting up when it's still dark outside goes against everything I believe in, but my flabby thighs have won the day.  I would love, love, LOVE to do more.  I really enjoy exercising and looking my best, but this just isn't my time for all that.  Hubby, homeschooling, kids, and house keep me busy.   

If you're involved in an exercise routine, I would love to hear from you!

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my window... it’s finally cold!  For us, at least.  The high today will be 57.  It’s very windy right now.  Gusty would be a good word.

I am thinking... about how kewl it is to be caught up with laundry.  For the last year I’ve been constantly behind, but in the last two weeks I’ve made myself be ruthless with my time so I can stay caught up with it, and it feels great.  It was such a drag to have to dig through the pile in the corner of my room to find something to wear.  Darin especially hated that, so I’m glad to get that irritating thing cleared away for him.

From the learning rooms...Pretend you hear me bawling like a big baby here.  Ben is officially doing his own science and history.  We have always done science and history as one big, happy family.  But he’s in 8th grade, and ready to branch out on his own and I really miss him.  I think he’s secretly glad (he’s sparing his Mama) to be doing his own stuff.  Not in a mean way, but simply because he’s old enough to do it himself.  Why do they have to grow up?

I am thankful for...children (yes, I’m talking about Ben here) who grow up to be pretty good kids.  Decently responsible, loving toward their parents and happy to be with their brothers and sisters.  

From the kitchen...I need to make lots and lots of baby food for Sophia this week.  She’s running low.  I’ve got squash, blueberries, peas, will puree the leftover Chicken Pot Pie we have for dinner, sweet potatoes, applesauce, and peaches.

I am reading...same stuff I’ve been reading for ages, although I am adding the Charlotte Mason series to the stack.  I’m going to focus on Volume 5.

I am increase my reliance on, and trust in God.  Always room to grow in this area (she writes through gritted teeth)

I am creating...a Christmas surprise for Sophia and Lydia.  My mother-in-law is helping me out. 

Around the house...we’re about to start moving the kids around.  Ben is going to have his own room.  Henry and Jack will share a room.  Sophia and Lydia will share a room.  First we have to paint the ceiling in Ben’s new room, then the walls.  He chose GRAY.  ;-)

One of my favorite things...working from home.  ;-)  I’ve never understood what’s to complain about as a stay-at-home Mom.  I get to set my own hours, call my own shots, fix what I want for dinner.     

A few plans for the rest of the week...Studying Egypt and NASA.  Darin gets to take today off.  His 5th day off in a row…we could get used to this!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
the fam with Darin's grandfather, Pop.  Don'tcha want to squish those babies?

To read other Daybook entries go HERE.