Sunday, August 9, 2009

Home Making

We are well into our busy season and Darin and I are counting down the days until November.  ;-)  We are homebodies deep down and all the going is really stretching us!  It's high school and college I was always extremely busy.  I was one of those girls who was too busy to do much dating.  I loved it.  It was easy to juggle everything since I was a single gal.  Now that we have five kids and one on the way, I've had to readjust my mental frame of mind to realize that it's okay to not be so busy with outside activities because I have replaced the outside stuff with my children, husband, homeschooling and housework.  It's really sad to me to hear other mothers denigrate the importance of what there is to be done at home in favor of outside activities.

I love what J.R. Miller wrote in Home-Making:
"We are fast moving on through this world.  Soon all that will remain of us will be the memories of our lives.  No part of our work will then afford such a true test of our living as the memorials we leave behind us in our homes.  No other work that God gives any of us to do is so important, so sacred, so far-reaching in its influence, so delicate and easily  marred as our home-making.  This is the work of all our life that is most divine.  The carpenter works in wood, the mason works in stone, the smith works in iron, the artist works on canvas, but the home-maker works on immortal lives.  The wood or the stone or the iron or the canvas may be marred, and it will not matter greatly in fifty years; but let a tender human soul be marred in its early training, and ages hence the effects will still be seen.  whatever else we slight, let it never be our home-making.  If we do nothing else well in this world, let us at least build well within our own doors."


  1. diamondsintheroughAugust 9, 2009 at 7:22 PM

    Thanks for letting me know, Becca. How about A Tale of Two Cities, or The Scarlet Pimpernel? I have not read TSP (or AToTC in YEARS) but I have heard it is a great story.

    That's a great quote there, but those are words that paralyze me. All I can see are my shortcomings. Would rather go on in blissful ignorance, lol. Well, not really, but the responsibility of mom-ness sure does burden me sometimes. :o) It's almost scary.

  2. We are homebodies as well ~ soccer starts up tonight and today I feel our busy fall season creeping in through the back door. I absolutely loved your post from J.R. Miller, it's beautiful. I hope that you are feeling well :) Blessings, EMichelle

  3. Alicia - your ex MoM exercising palAugust 12, 2009 at 3:52 AM

    I love that quote. I'm going to have to put that book on my reading list.

    I was scanning through your posts and didn't see any MoM Exercise Challenge updates so I'm wondering if your exercise routine went the same way mine has done :D

    Btw. Congratulations on your pregnancy! It's been so long since I dropped by so I'm a little bit late, forgive me.

    oh, and another "btw" - I don't actually use the blog whose link I'm signing off with but I figured since I visit so infrequently I needed to include it to help you remember who I am. lol


    PS, I added you on Facebook .. just so you know who that is sending a request :)

  4. blessingsundreamtofAugust 18, 2009 at 3:15 AM

    Oh, how this is EXACTLY the confirmation I needed this morning! I won't go into details, but I was starting to feel like I was afflicted because I so desire to be a homebody. Thank you for posting this!



  5. I can relate to what you're saying in your home making blog, only in the opposite direction. We're outside people and love going places. The non-stop life is the life for us. My husband's career is evident of that. The kids and I occasionally went of business trips with him, because that's just what we enjoyed doing.

    Once we had our third child though, getting out of the house took a lot of energy. Then with #4, just the thought of leaving made me tired. We've been "hermits" for the past 6 years and it's taken a lot out of me to enjoy the home life.

    While I still prefer the outside activities, I'm hoping to find a good balance w/ home life.
