Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Can't Even THINK of What to Title this Post....

On Thursday, Darin brought home some papers he received from one of his bosses on his way out the door.  It was a recap of the new insurance set-up for the coming year.  Darin said he read over it, but didn't get it, so I decided to take a turn and immediately I understood why he didn't understand what was on the paper.  WHO WOULD?  Who could believe what was right there on black and white?  To recap: it seems Darin's company has thrown it's employees under the bus on this one.  I won't go into the details, but it seems that way. 

Here's the deal: Our health insurance premiums went down 25 bucks a month to $400.  Starts out good.  Then comes the Freak Out part. 

Our deductible is $5,000 per person, or $10,000 for the family. 

But after that we're covered at 100%, baby!


Basically, our insurance has gone up from close to $5,000 a year to $9,000-$15,000 per year.  <cough! choke! SPIT!!>

We're amazed. 

We're also not signing up for this joke of a plan.  Our immediate concern is the birth of our new baby girl in December.  We cannot pay for a hospital birth.  We looked up what we and our insurance company paid for Sophia's birth - about $12,000.  We paid 20% of that after our $1000 deductible was met.  But now we can't imagine being able to pay $10,000!  Oh my.  That just gets my heart beating real fast.

So....we are checking out a local midwife that some of my friends have begged me to go to for the last couple of babies.  ;-)  It should be a fraction of the cost without the presence of those abhorrent spine numbing epidurals.  eeek!  Please, REALLY.  Say a prayer for me about this.  The good news is that my labor has dramatically sped up with every baby.  The other good news is that I have never been one to have to push longer than 5 or 10 minutes.  The OTHER good news is that our chiropractor has been getting my pelvis good and lined up so the baby can just come right out with no hang-ups.  He told me today that I'm perfectly lined up and ready to go and that he can't wait for the delivery.  (me too! ;-) The other good news is that I have already been working at trying to psyche myself up for an epidural-free delivery, but I was keeping it to myself because ya know, if one talks about things out loud, it tends to make it harder to follow through.  At least for me it does.  My resolve weakens and then I give in to whatever it was I was trying to psyche myself up for.  But I don't have to worry about giving in to the epidural this time since there won't be an option for it. 

I know I sound like a total wimp to some of you ladies out there, but I have been induced with every baby.  Those induced contractions are STRONG and painful. is what it is.  Definitely no epidural this time around.  I'm almost relieved that the choice has been made for me.  I won't have to feel like a failure for giving in this time around, if you know what I mean. 

ANYWAY...say a prayer for the protection of our family.  We are going to use the money we would normally pay towards our insurance premium to pay for the midwife.  After that, we will probably try to sign-on with Samaritan Ministries (we've heard good things).  Pray that our family will stay healthy and injury-free!


  1. So sorry about your insurance, believe me I feel your pain! But take a deep breath, u can do it (epidural free)! I will be praying for you!

    My parents use the samaritan insurance deal and they LOVE it!

  2. You can do this! I'm so sorry to hear about the insurance situation. The Lord is faithful in all things, I know you know that!

    From what everyone says... induced contractions are AWFUL !!!!!! I've been able to have 4 drug free deliveries and walk out of the birth center less than 8 hours after delivery. Recovery is so much easier!

    I'll be praying for you!

  3. Oh, thank you, thank you for the encouragement and prayers! :-) God knew I needed you and Rachel to read my blog today.


  4. Come on, Becca, fear not. You can do it. I had all four babies induced and only had meds with the last one because I thought I deserved it. :o) (And you are right about those epidurals. Too creepy having a needle stuck into your spinal chord. Especially when it doesn't work the first time....) You can do it, I know you can!

    And something else, the LORD can do it. He provides every need of his children. There are ways to cut hospital costs, if you end up needing to go in. I wish I had been smarter about beating the system from the beginning, but I learned as I went. If you want more info, comment me.

    But having said all that, I wish you a wonderful, peaceful experience with your home birth. Wish we could have done that! :o)

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your insurance situation ~ may God's peace be on your heart as you deal with the added stress that that brings. Giving birth is different for everyone and doing it without meds is very difficult BUT managable. (just being honest - I had 3 w/out and 2 with meds) I'm sure you'll get a lot of advice so I'll just give you one (or two...wink!) When you start feeling your contractions go right to the tub! I did this and it truly worked wonders. And 2nd know that our Lord is with you ~ always. You're in my prayers, EMichelle

  6. I posted earlier to encourage you that you can do have a delivery without meds.... I can't believe I forgot to mention what earlyriser did.... GO TO THE WATER!!!!! All four of my babies have been "water babies" :-) and with my first I had stopped dialating so they wanted me out of the water for awhile to see if it would help me progress... I never did after 4 hrs they let me start to push and get back in the water.... being in the water helps SOOO much! For me it even slows my contractions down which I feel is a good thing... time to regroup and relax between contractions with a little more time.

    So... a long way to say... if you can LABOR IN THE WATER and even deliver if they'll let you!

  7. I posted earlier to encourage you that you can do have a delivery without meds.... I can't believe I forgot to mention what earlyriser did.... GO TO THE WATER!!!!! All four of my babies have been "water babies" :-) and with my first I had stopped dialating so they wanted me out of the water for awhile to see if it would help me progress... I never did after 4 hrs they let me start to push and get back in the water.... being in the water helps SOOO much! For me it even slows my contractions down which I feel is a good thing... time to regroup and relax between contractions with a little more time.

    So... a long way to say... if you can LABOR IN THE WATER and even deliver if they'll let you!

  8. You guys aren't the first to recommend the water. I keep hearing that over and over! So water it is. :-) I'm actually kinda looking forward to it all, although I will miss the low-key births I've had with an epidural. I mean, with the last one, I never felt ONE contraction. My husband worked away on his laptop and I watched the monitor to see how strong the contractions were getting. Nice and calm. No screaming at the nurses or telling my husband to get away....speaking from experience! LoL-
