Saturday, February 6, 2010

She Willingly Works with Her Hands

I made a vow to myself to be better about taking pictures this year.  I have a tendency to get so wrapped up in what we're doing that the camera is forgotten.  It almost breaks my heart to think of all the special moments around here that are left unrecorded by the camera.  So I took the camera to my brother-in-law's birthday party and took a lot of pictures there.  Then true to form, I left the camera there.  ;-)  It's killing me - I need to get it back soon!  I'm itching to start using up all the Creative Memories supplies that have been sitting in the corner of the office for way too long. 

Is it a picture of Sophia, or her paci?

There is so much to do around here these days.  I usually make a list of things-to-accomplish, but the time that I used for that is now used for nursing Grace.  So I have what I like to call my "mental list of things-to-do."  I love that list.  I love doing every little thing on that list.  From ironing to making a lesson plan, to grocery shopping, to making some muffins ahead for breakfast during the week.  There are times when the list seems so daunting and I think I can't do it all.  Well, I can't, but I'll never get any of it done without taking it one item at a time.

What a funny smile - where are her top teeth?

It's hard to keep on.  Sometimes I just want to sit down and waste a little time, but then I think about how hard that makes it for myself and my family when I don't take care of what needs to get done and that helps me keep going.  Our family has adopted the verses from Proverbs 6: 6-11 that say,
"Go to the ant, you sluggard!
      Consider her ways and be wise, 
       Which, having no captain,
      Overseer or ruler, 
       Provides her supplies in the summer,
      And gathers her food in the harvest. 
       How long will you slumber, O sluggard?
      When will you rise from your sleep? 
       A little sleep, a little slumber,
      A little folding of the hands to sleep— 
       So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler,
      And your need like an armed man."

A doughnut!!!!!!

There once was a time when I would clean a little bit, read a little bit.  Clean a little bit, watch a little t.v.  Clean a little bit, chat on the phone with a friend. Those days are far behind me now.  Nowadays I clean a little bit, correct Lydia's math.  Clean a little bit, nurse the baby.  Clean a little bit, make lunch for the kids and myself...I can't help but compare the two lists and think that my life has greatly improved. 

Ravioli mouth.

I have to remind myself of that a lot as I discipline myself to keep with the tasks and little ones at-hand.  Isn't that what it really boils down to?  Discipline?  I've had a lot of ladies tell me they could never homeschool, or have six kids because they think they're not "organized enough."  Pshaw.  I will forever believe and forever tell those ladies that organization is a good tool to have, but what about the discipline to be organized?  That's something we can teach ourselves.  Once we've made up our minds to discipline ourselves, the rest falls into place.

1 comment:

  1. Becca I was looking for an old post of mine and there was a comment from you. How did I lose your address? Well, glad to find you again anyway! I so agree with this. I've been thinking all week about the struggle between the house and the kids....and what we want to do vs. what we need to do. You are right. Discipline is a godly trait. One that we CAN improve in.

    brenda@the family revised
