Sunday, June 13, 2010

Making (more)'s all good.

Darin finally installed Photoshop on my new laptop (thank you, Darin!) and I was going to post some pictures of the kid's latest fun.  They turned our kitchen table into a ping-pong table.  But Ben just joined the blog world and beat me to it.  Check out his blog and see what my fun kids did this weekend. :-)

I've been feeling kind of frustrated lately because we have been making some drastic (to us!) changes in our eating habits and I thought that the pounds would start melting off.  Well.  I'm still only four pounds down.  I guess it's better than four pounds UP!  Cruising around the blogosphere this weekend, I came across a great blog entry written by Vin Miller on his blog, Natural Bias.  It's titled Finding a Strong Source of Motivation for Healthy LivingRead it, because it's really good.  What I'm taking from it is that if we make changes in our diets only to lose weight as our main motivation, we will usually lose interest/motivation/the will to continue because the excitement certainly wears thin after awhile. (no kidding)  Vin says that if we choose to make changes in our activity or eating habits to be healthier then we will usually be more committed and the change we look for will naturally follow. 

I've been doing it backwards.  I've changed some eating habits to lose weight, and to be honest, haven't been 100% faithful because I've felt constrained by "the diet."  So this week my goal is to work on my outlook and see what I can come up with.  I am totally on board with making changes to be healthier.  Darin and I have already made a lot of changes in order to be healthier and have noticed a difference in our overall health.  But more changes - it just interferes with my Chai Tea obsession, that's all.  If you're interested, the best way to order a Chai Tea from Starbucks is as a Venti, Breve, 10-pump Chai.  Heaven.  Creamy Heaven.  I've been able to let go of all "man-made dairy" except the chai.  The "breve" is half-n-half.  Oh, the calories.  So good. 

But no, don't do it.  My goal is to encourage you and me to make healthy changes.  Chai Tea is not a healthy change.  If only...

ANYWAY - I'm going to pull out my copy of Nourishing Traditions again and read, read, read.  Especially the section on Dairy, since that's been something I've been working on lately.  As I've mentioned before, we drink milk kefir which is great, probiotically speaking.  ;-)  Lots of good stuff for our guts and it's not a good-for-you food that breaks the bank.  The next thing I want to start doing is making my own yogurt, following the recipe found in Nourishing Traditions.

This is Jack.  He is our very own All-Around Animal Whisperer.  Here is a picture of him with a lizard he chased down in our front yard.  And no, we are not adding "lizard" to our diet.  This is a totally random picture posting.  ;-)

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