Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Today Darin and I are celebrating 19 years of marriage.  We're celebrating in our favorite way - being home together with our family.  Darin took the day off and we've treated this day as a mostly normal Tuesday.  The three oldest worked on their schoolwork this morning while I prepared for the science co-op class that I teach on Thursdays.  While we were doing that, Darin hung out with Henry, Sophia and Grace.  We ate leftover chili for lunch, and then went out for an anniversary drink at Starbucks. 

While we were at Starbucks, Sophia threw up.  Thank God we were sitting on the outdoor patio!  Sophia seems to be our "throw-up girl."  I think she has thrown up more times than all the rest of the kids combined, God bless her.  And me.  And Darin!  ;-)  Darin and I have our routine set in stone when it comes to throw-up.  I do the clean-up of the actual puke while Darin cleans up the kid.  Darin does not respond well to the Technicolor Yawn.  I struggle with the moldy dishes Darin brings home from work.  It totally grosses me out!  So Darin handles that for me. 

I think of all the moldy dishes, and puke, and stinky diapers, moves, tricky financial issues, dreams left behind and new dreams brought to life, and I can't imagine going through it with anyone but Darin.  So many times over the years we have recounted how we met and all the little details that had to come about for us to meet when we did.  We could have never accomplished it on our own!  I mean, come on.  We have a hard enough time getting our little family out the door to church on Sundays!  In honor of our anniversary this year - especially because we are now working on year TWENTY! I am going to dig deep and see if I can find some pictures from when we first met and married and tell the story of how we met.  Stay tuned!  :-)


  1. Happy Anniversary, Becca!

    That's too bad about the "throw up incident." I hope it's nothing contagious! :)

  2. So many times over the years we have recounted how we met and all the little details that had to come about for us to meet when we did. We could have never accomplished it on our own! I mean, come on.
