Monday, January 19, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window
...the high will be 63 today.  I feel so cheated with this whole winter thing.

I am thinking...that I hope I can function better than last week.  I had a chest/head thing that really slowed me down.  I’m behind in laundry, school with the kids and just about everything else.

I am thankful for...the laundry I did get done this past weekend.  I don’t think we’ll have to dig through any piles looking for jeans today.

From the learning rooms...working on a History Pockets book with Jack and Lydia…Egypt.  A train lapbook with Henry.  Trying to fit more time in the schedule to meet with Ben and discuss his schoolwork.  Once a week just wasn’t enough.

From the kitchen...oatmeal for breakfast.  I love oatmeal and anything with oatmeal in it.  I thought about starting a blog with only oatmeal recipes on it, until my husband rolled his eyes at me when I told him about it.  He doesn’t like oatmeal like I do.  ;-)

I am creating...I’m not doing the creating these days.  I’ve been enjoying watching Darin develop a new hobby.  He has started editing our movies so the kids can watch.  Jurassic Park, Apollo 13…..there are curse words in those movies.  Why?  It’s really all so unecessary.

I personally would go insane doing the editing thing.  Seems kinda boring to me, but that’s just the kind of sweet, geeky husband I have.  J

I am crack the whip this week.  Bwaaaaaaa-haaa-haaaaaaaaaa!

I am reading...The Cross & the Switchblade.  Ben is supposed to read it for school this year. Anyone have any thoughts on a 13 year old reading this book?  I am only in Chapter 3 so far.

I am hoping...that Sophia is through waking up during the night.  Sleeeeep, Sophia!  Sleeeeeeeeep.

I am hearing...Jack and Henry "shooting" each other.  Henry just died.  Sophia is opening and closing a desk drawer.

Around the house...finish catching up on laundry, make a triple batch of muffins for the freezer, mop the kitchen floor, stay away from the sugar cookies Lydia and I made yesterday!

One of my favorite things...Sugar cookies.

A few plans for the rest of the week: birthday party, thing at church on Saturday night, piano lessons for Lydia, start teaching Jack the recorder, guitar lessons for Ben.

Here is picture thought I am sharing

To read  more Daybook entries go HERE


  1. Enjoyed reading your daybook - even though your children DO shoot each other! LOL!

    And YOU ARE creating - disciples for Jesus! :)


  2. My daughter is to read it next year when we do american history. How is it? Sh ewill be just 14. I am enjoying getting into some books that interest me more now. Have a nice week!!

  3. Crystal, definitely read it WITH her - aloud to her, and edit as you go along. There are some things in there I had never heard of and wish I hadn't. It's a good book, and can do without that stuff.

    Also...I'm not sure what your religious views are, but David Wilkerson is a Pentecostal. He doesn't go into huge detail until a few chapters towards the end. I'm looking forward to a good conversation with my son about it - we are not Pentecostal. :-)
