Sunday, December 6, 2009

Still Waiting

Still waiting for Grace to make her way into the world.  I keep thinking that she's just waiting for me to be able to finish paying the bills, or to get my grocery shopping and laundry done, but nope!  Apparently she has her own to-do list to take care of and it has nothing to do with mine.  :-)  So we wait.  In my control-freak-kinda-way, it wears on me because I hate surprises.  I want to know exactly when she's coming, so the waiting is killing me!  But God is good all the time.  He knows what's best for Grace and me.  But the next person who tells me that I look like I'm about to pop..........  ;-)


  1. Ah, yes, the "You must be about to give birth any second" comments. Lovely. I almost hate going out anymore, even though I'm eight weeks away from my due date, because I'm obviously scaring people who evidently think I'll probably have a baby right there in the aisle. My sympathies.

    I look forward to reading about the arrival when she comes!

  2. I was just thinking of you this morning, Becca, and wondering if you'd had your baby yet! :) You know, I can really relate to the frustration of waiting...all 5 of ours have been late (a couple have been almost 2 weeks late). There is something so discouraging about feeling so ready to meet your new little one and then just having to wait!

    Just keep looking to the Lord for strength to do His will and wait for His perfect timing for the arrival of Grace (lovely name by the way!).



  3. You're right. God does know best. Sending you happy nesting vibes...


  4. Just wanted to stop by and say 'Hi!' ~ well ok - and to see if Baby Grace has arrived wink! I did want to let you know that you're in my morning prayers. Your Blogging Friend, EMichelle

  5. Waiting is hard! I'm sure I'll be saying the same when baby #4 makes his/her journey to our arms. Although, I hope he/she doesn't come TOO early. Our last two were early birds. I'm hoping to at least make it to 36 weeks and possibly get into a new home (in process of trying to build). Busy times!

    Erna (
