Wednesday, October 25, 2006

His Grace

Chapter 1 - The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson


"In all of this, however, I must acknowledge, as Peter learned, that it's not all up to me.  (I am doing a jig after reading these words!!!!)  The Author of grace will himself draw my children to Him, even as He did Peter, as I rest in His ability to work through the life of my family.  Perfection is not a standard He requires of me as a mother, for His grace extends to me as well as to my children.  My heartfelt trust in Him will be the fuel that energizes my days as I see Him draw my children through this gift (grace) that will serve them their whole lives." (pg. 29)


God's grace is something that is so hard for me to remember most days because it seems I am in constant motion, going from one chore/school subject/meal/mess to clean up/disagreement to referee after another.  There are days, like today, when I get to the end, and I feel as if I am failing.  The three older kids are all at that wonderful age when they want to exert their "knowledge," and this one-upmanship leads to many wars of words between them.  It wears me out and I get to the point where I feel as if *I* will never be able to teach them to live in peace.  ;-)


So tonight after putting the kids in bed, I only wanted to sit and stare, but ended up picking up this book instead and reading this wonderful news of God's grace!  I guess it all goes back to prayer, prayer and more prayer (how many times have I had to be reminded of that????), and I absolutely feel more light after being reminded of God's All-Powerful Hand that is involved in our lives.  :-)  Reminds me of Isaiah 40:11.


He tends His flock like a shepherd:

He gathers the lambs in His arms

and carries them close to His heart;

He gently leads those that have young.

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