Thursday, November 2, 2006

Leading Little Ones to God?

Darin and I take our kids into the church service with us.  We don't do Sunday School.  We used to until about two years ago.  Two years ago we did not have a baby, and now, OH BABY! we do!  It's been easy to take him into the service with us until the last month or so.  He's now seven months, and is turning into a bizzee, bizzee, bizzee little boy.  So I did what any responsible little mama would do when preparing for church for a seven month old.  PACKED OUT the diaper bag with all the neatest and quietest toys we have.  But Henry wasn't interested in ANY of the toys I brought for more than 10 seconds.  So in a desperate move, I pulled out the tube of diaper creme.  Amazing!  He loved it!  That was a great distraction for about 15 minutes, so next I moved on to the little pouch-thingy that is in the bag to keep needed things dry, like extra outfits.  He loved it!  Out next was our insurance card and then finally the top flap of the diaper bag.  By the time his interest was waning in this, church was over.


So this week as I have been making my way through our house, I've had my eyes open for fun things for Henry to play with during church.  So far I've found a wristwatch that needs a new battery, a magnet that I have on the refrigerator that says, "Boring Women Have Immaculate Homes," and a plastic spoon that I found in our silverware drawer.  Maybe if these things don't have the draw I'm hoping for, I can fall back on the tube of diaper creme.  Any other suggestions?  


  1. If Henry (how I love that name!) is eating solid foods like Cheerios, etc., you could pack some and dole them out slooooowly, one at a time. Just remember that you should keep your expectations high and that this period will pass before you know it. Of course, it will be replaced by something else, but you'll deal with that then. ;)

    Try to remain relaxed and not let things escalate into a battle of wits with your baby. When my oldest was that age, she was as active as any boy and I thought I would go insane. She's fourteen now and sits perfectly still during church classes and services. It's amazing. Of course, now I have other issues to deal with.

    You are laying the groundwork early and that's the important thing. Don't worry about what others may be thinking, either. Children belong with their families learning to worship God properly. Too many of us have grown up with the expectation of being entertained. We should never go to a worship service expecting to be entertained. We are there to worship God. We are blessed when in the giving we receive, though. God bless you and your family.

  2. Thank you for your encouragement! God has been so good to provide people like you to encourage Darin and me every week on this new path we have chosen for our family. He knows what we need - we did not grow up this way, so there are times we feel downright strange as we walk in with our brood and get a few stares here and there. :-)

    Cheerios! It's been so long since we had a baby in the house that I forgot about them! Henry is not eating solid foods yet (I've offered, he's refused), but when he finally does, I will absolutely pack some for him!


