Friday, October 12, 2007

Pregnancy Update

Well, I'm finally in the 30-something weeks.  It hit me like a ton of bricks that I need to get this new baby girl some clothes to wear once she arrives!  And nursing bras, and how about a pediatrician?  We've been in between doctors for a few months.  I've been in no hurry to find a new one, but now feel the pressure!  Things have been so busy around here with school, and really, just life in general, that these little details escaped me until now.  Guess I better get busy......

Can I say that I am the most blessed Mama there ever was?  My husband is nesting FOR me.  In the past, my nesting has manifested itself through tons and tons of toilet paper stashed all over the house.  With Third Son, it was dryer sheets.  I didn't have to buy dryer sheets for over a year after he was born.  With this pregnancy, there are some things around the house that have been bugging me and my Husband has picked up these projects and is feverishly (well, I don't know about feverishly, but he is consistent.  ;-) working on getting them done. 

Back in 2004, First and Only Husband was taking a shower in our master bath when the tile in the shower fell in on him.  Oops!  We ended up having to replace everything because the people who installed the tile did not do their best work.  So my Husband replaced everything, and did more in our shower/tub area. It's beautiful.  At the same time, we also ripped down wallpaper and began texturing the walls.  We got as far as the wall where our bathroom sinks are and stopped.  This year we finally were able to buy new countertop and cabinets, but they've been sitting in the garage since February.  Well, they're finally upstairs in our bathroom and my Husband is working on getting them installed and the wall textured and painted.  It's going to look so good! 

We bought a 7' tall bookshelf with my Husband's last bonus.  He had First Son work on staining it, and as soon as my Husband finishes working on the kitchen bench we bought at the same time, we will start work on transferring the bookcase from the garage to the house and organizing books and rooms and games and all the other junk that has accumulated on the tops of our other, smaller bookcases. 

Is my life a pregnant woman's dream right now or what??????


  1. How nice that your family is helping out so much during the nesting stage. I'm getting there a little bit where I see things that are driving me crazy or I think need to be done but I haven't put anything into action yet. Just making a list in my head for when it's time to actually nest. I have to get baby items ready though . . . that's a biggie!

  2. How awesome is that? Come to think of it, my husband nested for me in the form of deciding to rearrange furniture. That meant I had to change where I had hung the pictures on the wall. I just stood there and cried and cried b/c I just knew it was never going to be right. What a wonderful pregnancy moment. At least I didn't have too many of them!

    But it must feel great to get that bathroom done!!

