Monday, October 22, 2007

Random Pregnancy Thoughts

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with a friend and wondered to yourself if they had only one shaved armpit?  No, I haven't either.  But then I've never been one to have only one shaved armpit before, have you? 

I've noticed in the last week that I am entering that ADD'ish stage of pregnancy.  I think it started last week when I only shaved one armpit while in the shower.  I felt so lopsided all day!  I mentioned to my Husband on Sunday that I was feeling that lack of sharp mental focus that only a Mom of four hard heads possesses and he asked, "What causes that?"  God bless him.  He was very sincere.  He wanted to know, scientifically, I guess, why pregnant women get scattered in the last trimester.  It was all I could do to not come across dripping with sarcasm when I told him I honestly didn't know - just something about a 4 - 5 lb. wee one taking over my body causes that.  ;-)

Since my Husband has been working on finishing up our bathroom remodel, we have been without any bathroom mirror.  Because of that, I have hardly seen myself for the last few weeks.  So on Sunday I strolled on over to the mirror on our dresser and took a peek.  Wow.  I am HUGE!  And even though this is my 5th pregnancy, I can't imagine how I could get any bigger than I am now.  Is it REALLY physically possible?  First and Only Husband picked up on my amazement and started cracking jokes about the Hindenburg.  HA HA.  All I can say is "MOOOOOOOOO!"


  1. um...I have walked around with one shaved armpit before. I had some kind of lump under my arm (SO gross) that I had to put medicine on for a week AND not shave OR wear deoderant.

    I think that is about as gross as it gets. Talk about being self-conscious for a week!!!!


  2. This post made me laugh. You are so right about the ADD thing. Pregancy does weird things. My husband has many times shook his head in wonder.

    Your blog is fun - I plan to visit again. Hope you are feeling pretty well as you finish out this pregnancy.


