Thursday, October 4, 2007

Volunteering as a Family

Something my Husband and I have decided to do is make our volunteering a family affair.  If we can't show up with one or more of our kids, we turn down the opportunity.  We spent a good many years volunteering while the kids were in childcare at church, childcare in our own home or just plain running around behind us as we sat at the computer and did our "important work."  Yuck!  Never again.  We missed out on many, many moments of discipling that we are now having to go back and try to squeeze in.  It's harder doing it this way than if we had done it the right way, at the right time.

In the past, we have cleaned a section of our church sanctuary together.  When our new building was newly finished, the church was trying to hold down costs, so asked for volunteers to help clean the sanctuary.  We jumped at the chance and for six months, on Tuesday nights, we scrubbed and cleaned and had pizza together on the floor immediately behind our section.

Right now we have a few different opportunities going.  First is here in our neighborhood.  First Son and my Husband mow and weedeat and otherwise maintain the yard of our next door neighbor.  Her husband is in Iraq as a security guard, so we volunteered to help her out since she's doing the single-parent thing for now.

We are signed up with a ministry at our church called "Meals for New Moms."  Whenever we get a call, we all contribute something to a meal for a family with a new babe.  That makes our meals less than gourmet, but definitely filling, and from what I have heard, appreciated anyway.

My Husband is an AWANA Leader, and this year, has the great privilege to serve alongside First Son as he has joined the Leader in Training (LIT) program.  My husband and First Son work in the same room together as Sparks (K-2) leaders.  First Son has three of his own little boys to shepherd, and my Husband is there to help guide him.  It has been a great outlet for First Son whose nickname around here is Mr. Manager.  ;-)

And finally, once a month, we get to bake some dessert for a group of ladies in our homeschooling group.  They are new homeschooling moms, meeting for encouragement and information as they begin homeschooling, through a program called Smoothing the Way.  LOVE Smoothing the Way.  It is JUST the thing for new homeschoolers in my humble opinion.  I wonder how many would give up during their first year without the kind of encouragement they receive from this group.

I recently subscribed to the online magazine, Seasonal Delights.  The first issue I downloaded was loaded with fun fall crafts and recipes.  I couldn't resist.  Today was our monthly delivery to the Smoothing the Way ladies and we took two ideas from the magazine and had fun seeing if we could make ours look like the pictures in the magazine!  ;-) 

Here is First and Only Husband directing the kids in making Autumn Paper Cones.  I was the picture taker, hole puncher and ribbon tie-r for this event.  I do not do well following directions in making shape thingys.  ;-)

First Son says, "HUH?"

Second Son says, "No sweat, man!"

Here is our homemade Autumn Popcorn mix.  It is inside disposable icing bags.

Finished product!

Sorry it's sideways.  I forgot to rotate the picture, but you get the idea.  ;-)

Here's a picture of Third Son thrown in just for grins and because he is SO CUTE.  Look at those dimples!

First Son and First Daughter teamed up to make Pumpkin Patch Cake.  All I can say is, "Yum!"  It sure smelled good!


  1. What a fabulous idea to volunteer as a family! When Adam and I get the opportunity to do more with our little ones I'd rather volunteer with them rather than without. I love these ideas and think the homeschooling support group is a great idea! Your children will definitely learn a lot about service through serving with their family! Wonderful!

    Erna @ Sweet Serenity

  2. I made the Autumn Popcorn Mix for our ladies meeting at church, and it was a hit! I didn't do the cute cones, though... I wanted to, but I didn't have time. :(

    Like what I see here!

    Lindsey @ A Joyous Journey

  3. What a wonderful family time you had! It looks like everyone had fun making crafts together. I'm glad the popcorn and was a hit! Wish I could have a piece. :0)

