Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pregnancy Update

The poison ivy is practically gone, and I'm so glad.  All that's left on my arms are dark red patches, a few scabs and lots of dry, flaky skin.  No more steroids.  No more antibiotics!  I was still nursing Sophia (17 mos.) and had to wean her cold turkey because of the steroids.  I hid the Boppy in the closet so it wouldn't remind her but she found it yesterday and brought it to me, so excited and saying, "Da! Da! Da!"  That's her all-purpose word for just about everything.  I said, "Do you want to eat?"  She said, "Mmm-hmmmm!"  So we assumed our positions and she gave it a try.  It took her about 3 seconds for her to come to the conclusion that it was never going to be the same.  She got up saying something like yuck.  I asked her if she wanted to eat more and she shook her head and ran off.  Waaah.  :-)

I think the steroids helped me with the nausea I was having.  All last week I felt fine!  I thought it was because I was nearing the end of the first trimester, but after finishing all the medicine, my upset tummy has returned.  Seems the one thing I crave is milk.  It helps soothe things a bit, but talk about Dragon Breath!  Tic Tacs are a daily staple, along with the milk.  ;-)

Anyway, I had a first appointment with our new OB this week.  It was really hard to switch doctors even though I knew it was the best way to go.  My old OB delivered all our other five babies, so the familiar was hard to give up.  But after the first visit with Dr. Cummings I have no regrets!  For one thing, it turns out we go to the same church!  Best of all, he is excited for our 6th baby and is not interested in inserting himself or any unnecessary procedures into the pregnancy.  He said he doesn't expect to hear from me at all.  He's just going to let God do His thing, and we'll see each other once a month!  How cool is that?  My other OB was constantly wanting to do this test or that.  I spent all my time saying, "No. We're not interested in that." while she gave me those "how dare you endanger your baby" sort of looks.  So, peace.  Sigh.  It's nice.  :-)

I wasn't sure, but I had thought all during the month of April that I was pregnant, but had a negative test at the beginning of the month.  This has happened with  me before with all our girls(!).  When Dr. Cummings was checking me out, he mentioned that he thought I was either further along than 7 weeks, or was carrying twins.  I quickly assured him that I thought I was further along.  ;-)  So we made a sono appointment for later that day.  Jack, Lydia and Sophia went with me and we got to see our sweet little babe for the first time!  The baby measured at almost 12 weeks, so I WAS pregnant during April.  I'm so excited!  Here I am already in the 2nd trimester.  I just can't wait to meet this new little one. 

I feel SO pregnant right now because I tear up over the littlest things!  The kids and I watched the National Spelling Bee this week and evey time one of the kids misspelled a word, it killed me.  The kids would look over at me and say, "Mom!  Quit crying!"  LoL 


  1. I'm glad the transition to the new OB went well! A new dr. is always stressful no matter what you are there to see the about!

  2. How wonderful to have such a great doctor!


    Erna @ The Beautiful Sojourn
