Thursday, February 17, 2011


I love Charlotte Mason, and I love Copywork and Dictation. My biggest frustration, though, is choosing copywork and dictation passages. That's just one more thing that I don't have time to do. My daughter, Lydia, loves Shakespeare's plays, so I thought some lines from his plays would make great copywork for her. I went online to look for something and found a great site called  Quotes abound, as well as literature study guides, lesson plans, discussion, and on and on.  The great thing about the quotes is that they come with a recap of what's going on at that particular point in the play.  Love that.  You can also look up the quotes by play, the person speaking and theme.


  1. Becca, you saw the light! lol. yes. Blogger is a joy. I feel bad for the HSB people; I think changing platforms was a bad idea, though certainly we all complained plenty about the old one... I think they just weren't ready and thought their techies could handle the new thing. I see HSB is for sale now.

    Results. Well, I have results OTHER than losing inches or weight. I have not measured yet, but I don't feel any different in my clothes anyway. However I do have other good results from T-Tapping, and I am going to continue! I hope it meets your expectations. For me, I am just glad to have a workout that is only 15 min and requires no bouncing. :)

  2. I didn't realize that HSB is for sale! I'm not very good about keeping up with the latest took me so long to switch - I tend to get real stuck in a rut. ;-)

    Yes. No bouncing is good, and 15 minutes is the best! I have just about that much time to spare. OTHER results are also a bonus. ;-)

  3. Here's some good info that Victoria left as a comment on my OLD ;-) blog. Thought someone might like to read what she wrote.

    "Charlotte Mason believed the dictation exercises should be passages from the children’s own books so that they have already formed a connection to the text. Maybe it would be easier for you to use what has recently been read. For copywork I have been using poetry from an anthology. I plan to change it up with quotes. You can find the public domain version of Familiar Quotations searching google books, then click free google e-books. I also download Wheeler’s Graded Studies in Great Authors. It’s an old spelling book that teaches through quotes. I plan to print a few pages at a time."

    Here is my response to her:
    Thanks, Victoria. Fortunately for me, Lydia is always in the process of reading a Shakespeare play. She’s an amazing reader! I also use poetry from the book she’s reading through this year. Thanks for the info on Familiar Quotations and the Wheeler book.
