Friday, November 23, 2007

I Wanna be Grandma Walton

It seems kind of crazy for me to be thinking about it now, with me about to give birth to Second Daughter within the next few weeks, but I can't wait until my kids are all grown up with families of their own so I can help them.  I imagine myself bringing meals, volunteering to clean a bathroom, teaching my grandkids a school subject.....really, whatever my daughters and daughters-in-law need me to do. 

My inspiration is Grandma Walton from The Waltons.  Did ya ever see Grandma resting on the porch when there was dinner to be made or mending to be done?  She was a working partner with Olivia.  In my imaginary world where the Walton's are real, I imagine Olivia thinking, "I could not do all that needs to be done without Grandma's help!" 

Amen, sistah. 



  1. I am with you Becca! I always loved the fact that the generations lived together and relied on each other. I am just hopeful that my daughters-in-law will accept my help in the spirit it is given. Prayers are already in motion for special young ladies.

    email addy is

  2. It comes along fast enough. This year I became a grandma and I love it, but along with that joy I had to wonder how the years had passed so quickly from the time my babies had come along.

    Grandma Walton was first mommy Walton, filling her children with love, wisdom and strength !

  3. We watch the Waltons as a family and I LOVE grandma Walton!!
