Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Women Who Won't Have Babies & Update

Thankfully the contractions have stopped!  I had a "contraction hangover" all day today, but no more contractions.  We just worry what we would do if the baby came before my parents got here.  It would be a lot more stressful for my husband to try to juggle everything and keep things running on both ends.  So here's to hoping and praying that God answers our prayers and keeps this sweet baby in utero for a few more days.  We only need to get to next Wednesday afternoon!  ;-)

Thanks, Tori and Reb for your encouraging comments!  I do want to say that I appreciate anyone who leaves a comment, especially if you consistently read my blog.  It is so nice to hear from everyone.  Tori, I love your comments and reading your blog!  And Brenda......pointing out my "dangling issues" got a good, long laugh out of my husband and me!  Reb....what happened to your blog??????

Sorta, kinda on another note, a hat tip goes out to Crystal at Biblical Womanhood for pointing out an article that I found very interesting.  Here's an excerpt:
"Through my job I made many friends who, like me, were more interested in campaigning, trying to change society and save the planet rather than having families of our own.

"We used to say that if ever we did want children, we'd adopt, as there are so many children in need of a loving family.

"At least then, we'd be doing something positive for the world, rather than something negative."

Toni was happy, at last, with fellow environmentalists who shared her philosophy. But when she was 25, disaster struck.

"I discovered that despite taking the Pill, I'd accidentally fallen pregnant by my boyfriend.

"I was horrified. I knew straight away there was no option of having the baby.

"I went to my doctor about having a termination, and asked if I could be sterilised at the same time.

"This time it was a male doctor. I remember saying to him: 'I want to make sure this never happens again.'

"He said: 'You may not want a child, but one day you may meet a man who does'. He refused to consider it.

"I didn't like having a termination, but it would have been immoral to give birth to a child that I felt strongly would only be a burden to the world.

"I've never felt a twinge of guilt about what I did, and have honestly never wondered what might have been."

Waaaah.  It breaks my heart to hear anyone talk this way.  In another part of the article, she says that couples who have children are selfish.  WOW.  The last thing I feel at this point is selfish.  Yes, it's true that I ask God for children.  Even now, when I am so uncomfortable with Second Daughter, I still pray for more children, and at my age (39), I wonder how much longer I will even be able to have children.  But living life with our children has broken First and Only Husband and me of MANY of our most selfish attitudes and behaviors.  We have learned through day-to-day life with our kids that we have to give up things we want to do for them - for the good of our family.  And it never gets easier because we constantly are confronted with issues that reveal how self-centered we really are.  It's especially lovely when it's the same issue that we struggle with over and over.  ;-)

It's hard to believe how far Satan has gone to mislead so many in the world, and all because he wants no one to obey God.  "Be fruitful and multiply."  And of course whenever we obey, blessings come and so many miss the blessings and the calling that God has placed on their lives for a higher purpose than our own.

Go here to read the entire article:
Meet the Women Who Won't Have Babies - Because They're Not Eco-Friendly


  1. Oh, how sad that the woman felt that way. It ranks right up there with the man I saw on the Today show that had had a vasectomy at 22, because he KNEW he would never want to have children. Children are a challenge, entertaining, a lesson in humility, and most definitely a BLESSING.

    Praying for a healthy delivery for you and sweet Sophia.


  2. That has got to be one of the most selfish articles I've ever read and then for her to say people who have children are selfish???? HUH? It is sad how far Satan has gone to gain control of people.

    I'm glad to hear the contractions have stopped and we're praying that Sophia doesn't get in a hurry!! ;-)

  3. from me...sorry I didn't sign...;-)

  4. Wow - thanks for the sweet compliment. Leaving comments on your blog is easy. I can "feel" exactly what you're describing so many times.

    This article First of all, if both of these women would think through the fact that they think are saving society and the planet, only to advocate the end of our civilization. Because I'm a Christian, I know that God is in control and He must laugh at the arrogance of people thinking they could single-handedly make or break the planet. He created earth. It will not pass away until He destroys it to make a new heaven and new earth.

    Second, it was sad to me that the first gal's mom has bought into the idea and started to encourage her daughter. My mother is so integral to my love of motherhood, marriage and homemaking. She does not bend her values to suit my whims. Ever.

    Third, the first gal said that when she tells people about her decision they look at her as if she committed murder. Well, she did. The look is justified. I understand there are many women who have had abortions and feel enormous regret. Those women need and deserve our compassion and forgiveness. They need a new start and the chance to enjoy motherhood as it was meant to be. But someone who brags about their abortion, shows zero remorse and encourages others to do the same is a murderer. Plain and simple.

    Umm...I guess you got me a little wound up on this topic - I'll stop now before I totally take over your blog. :-)

