Thursday, January 3, 2008

Dishrag Poetry

My Husband is a true Renaissance Man.  He's a complete computer geek who is also quite handy when it comes to home improvements, teaching our son guitar, and writing the occaisional poem.  For Christmas, I had knitted our neighbors some dishrags.  I know, it sounds cheesy, but it's the thought that counts, right?  ;-) 

The first year we were married, my mother-in-law gave me a knitted dishrag at Christmas and I must have been looking at it with that blank expression we all sometimes get because my mother-in-law said, "It's a dishrag."  I had never seen a knitted dishrag before, so I was afraid my neighbors would have the same response.  I asked my Husband if he could compose some sort of poem that would explain to our neighbors what they were receiving along with their cookies, and here is what he wrote.  :-)

Christmas is a time for giving,
So it must mean the neighbors are coming.
So get the milk ready,
The chances are steady
That cookies are forthcoming.

But what else is this they are giving?
Something made by knitting.
It seems a bit small
For a blanket or shawl.
We just don’t know what we are getting.

So let me explain what you have received.
There is no reason to be grieved.
It’s a rag for dishes,
With soap and swishes.
Your plates will certainly be cleaned.

It was knitted with care and love
And thoughts of you to be sure of.
Too pretty to use,
Oh, but please do!
And Merry Christmas from Heaven above.


  1. That's great! What a cute idea -


  2. Kudos to your hubby!!!! Happy New Year!!!

  3. that is a really cute idea!

  4. Your husband is very talented...what a great poem. We gave out dishcloths for Christmas one year too- we did get some odd looks, but I think that most people appreciated the sentiment- and boy are they

    nice to have!

    Thanks for sharing!


  5. LOL, I love it! Well done.
