Sunday, January 6, 2008

Life in the Groove

Well.  After a two-month hiatus, I shaved my legs today.  Does that mean that I am officially getting back to normal after Second Daughter's birth?  I don't know.  Maybe I just finally had the time since my Husband took the other four to the zoo today.  ;-)

But I am working on getting back to being that same ol' slave-driving, chai drinking, uptight about the chores Mom that I was before I was thwarted by nausea and sleepiness.  Actually, I don't think I'm THAT uptight.  Well, I'm probably the worst kind of Mom.  I think I'm laid back when I'm really uptight.  I think what it is, REALLY, is that I choose my battles.  I let some things go, while I hold on tightly to others.  We all have to do that, ya? Hopefully I'm holding on tightly to the correct things.

And speaking of holding on tightly.  I am blown away.  Third Son prefers his dad over me.  Waaaah!  He's only 21 months old!  He's supposed to love his mommy best for a few more years, right??????  But if Dad is in the room I can't get him to come to me or even get even a tiny peck on the cheek from him.  He runs to my Husband and jumps on his lap or says, "See me!" which in Third Son language means, "Pick me up!"  This morning I said, "Are you Mama's Boy?"  Usually he would repeat the phrase "mama's boy" back to me, but he didn't this time.  So my Husband said, "Are you Daddy's Boy?" and Third Son faithfully repeated, "Daddy's Boy!"  Waaah and Double Waaah.  ;-)

I have found a new blogsite that I love.  I really enjoy cooking and baking for my family although I will never be a granola-making, bread-baking kinda gal.  I have romantic notions towards that path.  I have often thought about tackling those tasks, but then real life hits me across the face and I never get around to it. 

Anyway, you might already know about this one, but Tammy's Recipes has become one of my favorite places to go.  One of the great features of her site is her 12-week menu plan that she has posted with recipes!  It has been a lifesaver for me while I've been working on getting back into the groove.  Not to mention an inspiration.  Tammy is a busy chica who is always looking for ways to save her family money (me, too!) and she has some good ideas and suggestions.  She has inspired me to start using a clothesline again.  We had one years ago.  I have to wash at least two loads of laundry a day to keep up.  I'll bet that adds up on our electric bill!  We always have a nice wind here in TX.  I plan on taking advantage of it ASAP.


  1. I had to laugh at your opening line - yep, it's a scary sight when that pregnant belly goes away and you can finally see your legs again. Glad to hear you're feeling more like yourself. And if it makes you feel any better, my husband was gone for nine months to Afghanistan when baby number five was 4 months to 13 months old. I figured it would take them a long time to re-connect. It took all of two days after my husband got home for my baby wanted daddy over me! Two days!! I just laughed. Now, five months later, he still prefers dad.


  2. Her blog is the best! She shares some of the most delicious foods- I'm having such a hard time losing weight anyway...LOL! I found your site through the QuiverFull blogroll-it's really nice! : )


  3. If you are interested, I will have to share with you a really easy granola recipe. I made some up for gifts during Christmas and people are still telling me that they really enjoyed it!

    Glad you had a day to 'shave your legs' in peace! :o)

    Yvonne :o)

  4. I love using a clothesline. Last year, we were w/o a dryer for 6 months. I used the line the whole time, and our elec bill that is averaged dropped $100 a month!

    DH got the boys a dog. She doesn't like to stay on a chain while I hang clothes out. She pulled all of the jeans off the line. She needs to find a new home!

  5. Becca...I'm also working on not sweating the small stuff...but it's hard. I do find that I'm uptight about stuff, even when I think I'm not....I'm ocd about kitchen neatness and it impeads on the kid's desire to cook's to letting go.

    Luv, Terri Lee
