Thursday, January 3, 2008

One Step at a Time

Well, we are trying to work our way back to "normal" around here.  First and Only Husband went back to work yesterday.  Can I say that I can't wait until the day we are independently wealthy and he can stay home all the time?  ;-)  He was able to take a two week vacation and we all just love having him here with us.  He really balances me out.  I have a tendency to get caught up in the tasks that I see all around me and he helps me to chill out a little.  Wasn't it Erma Bombeck who said, "Housework done correctly can kill you?"  If it wasn't for my Husband, I would have been dead long ago.  LoL

I've felt a bit disconnected with the older kids.  It seems I spend all day nursing Second Daughter.  I feed her four or five times during the day when they're up and about and it takes between 30 minutes to an hour to feed her.  That's a huge chunk of time that I'm not spending with them, so  I finally came up with a way to connect with them while nursing.  I have made a date with each of them during the day while I'm nursing and we go into my bedroom and read a book together.  I love it, and they love it.  At breakfast they take dibs on which nursing session they want to go with me to read our book.  That one-on-one time is great for all of us!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I spent many hours reading to my son after my daughter was born. It was a time I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere, enjoy those precious moments!

    Yvonne :o)
