Sunday, December 28, 2008

Chicken Invaders

I have a weakness.  It's a computer game called Chicken Invaders.  A couple years back when my little bro was here for a visit, he got all of us hooked - except my husband, Darin.  He thinks it's a silly game.  But that didn't stop him from getting it for ME for Christmas this year.  Oyve.  What I think Darin has forgotten is that we have had this game in our possession before, and I puposefully deleted it from all the computers in the house.  I just had to.  I was addicted.  If there was any sort of lull in the day - no matter how long or short - I always ended up drifting over to the computer to play for a bit.  So I nipped the problem in the bud and deleted it.  Game Over, man.

But now it's back.  I think I'm old enough to handle the challenge of the addiction now.  We don't allow computer games during the week.  Only during the weekends, with a time limit.  I'm not allowing myself to pull out the "I'm the mommy, I can play whenever I want" routine.  No playing during the week applies to me, too!

I'm a member of a Charlotte Mason yahoogroup.  Really, I'm a huge lurker, but at least I'm an active lurker - I read and digest every conversation.  So good.  Everyone is chatting about "Habit" right now.  One of the ladies wrote in today, and I just have to share with you a snippet of what she wrote because it spoke to me about all the good habits I'm trying to instill in my kids, and beat into myself in an attempt at proving that an old dawg can learn new tricks.  Here goes:
Quoting CM:
“It is necessary that the mother be always on the alert to nip in the bud the bad habit her children may be in the act of picking up from servants or from other children." (inserting my own commentary here.  I cannot let the servants-thing pass without a sigh!  SIGH) 

How often do I hear "Why can't I? So-and-so does it!"  Trying to be the child's ally and not just saying "Because I said so!" is challenging and really gets my brain working.  When I take time and work with the child to find solutions, there is less friction and my mind does not persist in the same ruts and feel so tired of covering the same road.

Again, quoting CM:
"Tact, watchfulness, and persistence are the qualities she must cultivate in herself; and, with these, she will be astonished at the readiness with which the child picks up the new habit. "

Without tact, I'm a nag.
Without watchfulness, I'm inconsistent.
Without persistence, I'm weak.
So good.  Consistency is the key.  Persistence is the only way to stay consistent.  Asking God for passion for the job He's given me is the only way I can stay persistent.  The ONLY way.  Outside of God's inspiration, the only things I want to do is read, take naps and keep a perfectly clean house.  Inside God's will - that passion He's placed in my heart - I want to "lay down my life" (John 15:13)for my husband and children. 

Now that I have a handle on that Chicken Invaders has no hold over me.  ;-)


1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I had no idea I was creating a struggle when I loaded up the new version of the game for you guys. Who'd of thought that a goofy game where you shoot space chickens invading the universe would be such a temptation? :)
