Friday, December 26, 2008

Flabby Mama

As I was walking out of Target today, there was a woman ahead of me walking out with her son.  She was probably in her 40's.  She was also probably not in the same shape she was in when she first met her husband - kinda like me.  ;-)  But I couldn't help thinking, "Her husband loves her just the way she is.  Her husband loves her BECAUSE of the way she is."

I can't help thinking thoughts like those because my husband does such a good job of loving me just the way I am - because of the way I am.  When I first started feeling insecure about my flabby arms and thighs, there was Darin, reassuring me, and doing such a great job of it that whenever I see another woman with flabby arms and thighs, I think about how her husband loves her. 

Sigh.  God is good.


  1. I have been feeling the same way and God has blest me as well with a husband who loves me just as I am.

    Thanks for sharing

  2. Yep, hubbies kind of evolve that way...they may be picky when they meet you but they do end up loving you no matter what, usually anyway. God IS good!

  3. ...I needed to read that. :-)
