Monday, December 1, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my window... it’s finally cold!  For us, at least.  The high today will be 57.  It’s very windy right now.  Gusty would be a good word.

I am thinking... about how kewl it is to be caught up with laundry.  For the last year I’ve been constantly behind, but in the last two weeks I’ve made myself be ruthless with my time so I can stay caught up with it, and it feels great.  It was such a drag to have to dig through the pile in the corner of my room to find something to wear.  Darin especially hated that, so I’m glad to get that irritating thing cleared away for him.

From the learning rooms...Pretend you hear me bawling like a big baby here.  Ben is officially doing his own science and history.  We have always done science and history as one big, happy family.  But he’s in 8th grade, and ready to branch out on his own and I really miss him.  I think he’s secretly glad (he’s sparing his Mama) to be doing his own stuff.  Not in a mean way, but simply because he’s old enough to do it himself.  Why do they have to grow up?

I am thankful for...children (yes, I’m talking about Ben here) who grow up to be pretty good kids.  Decently responsible, loving toward their parents and happy to be with their brothers and sisters.  

From the kitchen...I need to make lots and lots of baby food for Sophia this week.  She’s running low.  I’ve got squash, blueberries, peas, will puree the leftover Chicken Pot Pie we have for dinner, sweet potatoes, applesauce, and peaches.

I am reading...same stuff I’ve been reading for ages, although I am adding the Charlotte Mason series to the stack.  I’m going to focus on Volume 5.

I am increase my reliance on, and trust in God.  Always room to grow in this area (she writes through gritted teeth)

I am creating...a Christmas surprise for Sophia and Lydia.  My mother-in-law is helping me out. 

Around the house...we’re about to start moving the kids around.  Ben is going to have his own room.  Henry and Jack will share a room.  Sophia and Lydia will share a room.  First we have to paint the ceiling in Ben’s new room, then the walls.  He chose GRAY.  ;-)

One of my favorite things...working from home.  ;-)  I’ve never understood what’s to complain about as a stay-at-home Mom.  I get to set my own hours, call my own shots, fix what I want for dinner.     

A few plans for the rest of the week...Studying Egypt and NASA.  Darin gets to take today off.  His 5th day off in a row…we could get used to this!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
the fam with Darin's grandfather, Pop.  Don'tcha want to squish those babies?

To read other Daybook entries go HERE.


  1. We are having a windy, cool day here, too. I know what you mean about your oldest...mine is in 8th grade this year, too and really becoming so much more independent with his studies. I got him a science book that is all experiments and he sets them up and shows them to all of us on his own. That's a great pic of your family. :) Hope you have a wonderful week. Julie

  2. Sounds like you have a busy and pleasant week planned! May the work of your hands be blessed today.

    Heather at
