Monday, February 19, 2007

Tackle-It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

I am awful at getting things in the mail that require me to go to the post office for postage.  I love being able to buy my stamps at Kroger, and sniff at the inconvenience of having to go to the post office for anything.  My Mom is the same way.  Every time I talk with her on the phone she tells me she has a package to get in the mail to me, but she's been telling me that so long, I don't even remember what it is she is supposed to be sending.  ;-)  God bless her.  We both have good intentions.

So my Tackle this week was going to the post office to mail out a couple of large envelopes.  One to my nephew in Georgia.  I found this cheesy little picture book about Guadalajara, oh, about two years ago.  His dream is to move there to open an orphanage.  He has spent some time in Mexico on short term missions trips and says that orphans abound there.  He has a great heart for kids, and I'm praying he gets there. 

But I found the book on Guadalajara and wanted to send it to him as a bit of enouragement.  So now, two years after finding the book, I believe, it's time.

The other package I'm sending also goes to Georgia, to one of my best buds.  Her son stayed a few nights with us back in December and left the obligatory t-shirt and underwear, so I'm sending it back.  I'm hanging my head in shame over this one.  I swore to her that we had everything that belonged to her son packed-up.  So she probably got home, and had to do a special run to SuperTarget for more underwear.  Doh!  Sorrreeeeeeee! 

Oh, hey.......while I was out at the post office, I also deposited some checks at our bank that have been sitting on my desk for three weeks.  I'm including that in my tackle!  Man, I'm not going to have to do another Tackle for weeks now!  ;-)


  1. I've never figured out why going to the post office and bank are so horrible, yet I always put them off unless I "have" to go. Great job getting those things done!

  2. It's a pitty that parcels can't be sent by email ! I hate going to the post office and line up there for hours !



  3. It's a pitty that parcels can't be sent by email ! I hate going to the post office and line up there for hours !



  4. I don't like going to the post office either. There is always such a long line! We do most of our bill paying on-line so we rarely need to mail anything! Great job in getting out there!
