Monday, February 26, 2007

Family Circles

Spending time with our kids is important to my husband and me, and yet we struggle to make the time to do so.  I am the worst because if there is a task in front of me that needs to be done, I have a hard time doing anything else but that task.  I'm a slave to laundry!  ;-)

A resource that has helped us to be more consistent in this area is Family Circles from Doorposts.  This is a great resource and our kids literally stand at the refrigerator talking amongst themselves about what they get to do with Dad or Mom next.  Music to our ears! 

Here is what our Family Circles looks like.  DH and I were just talking about it yesterday, and we realize that we need to add in our 11-month old!  :-)


  1. Great idea friend....I am like you, if I have a task at hand I have blinders on. I need to be a slave to laundry, I will do anything to avoid it!


  2. that is a neat looking project!

