Saturday, May 26, 2007

He Keeps Me Singing

This is an article I wrote for our support group's newsletter.  After I wrote my last post I was reminded of this.  It's the perfect example of how God was able to control the situtaion I was in.  It's such a relief that I know He has my back!  :-)

He Keeps Me Singing

I sat on the couch, listening to my children bicker, bicker and bicker even more with each other, just as they had been all that morning.  Just as they had been all that week!  It was Friday, and I totally understand all the implications Friday brings.  Celebration!  Relief, knowing that it’s the last day of the work week and that the next day we get to relax!  TGIF, right?  I guess my kids don’t totally get that yet, because they were going full steam ahead with the status quo for that week

Darin and I have specific goals in mind for our children.  We have our mission statement, and it’s burned on our hearts and minds.  In a nutshell, it’s to raise our children to be better prepared for life that we were.  Sounds kind of vague, but it has very specific meanings for us.  Part of the very specific meaning for us is to focus on their spiritual lives.  Yet as the kids had worn me down with their bickering all week, I began to lose my resolve. 

We were getting ready for our morning Bible study.  I sat on the couch with my Bible and hymn book in my lap, rubbing my forehead with my first three fingers in total despair and frustration, until I thought I was going to wear a permanent red mark there.  I was shedding a few tears and silently praying, “God, I see the vision You’ve given Darin and me for our kids, but would it really hurt to call it a Movie Day?  They can space out to movies, and I can get away from their arguing with each other and me.  Sounds fair, ya?”  No.

“God, I can see the vision You’ve given Darin and me for our kids, but surely it wouldn’t hurt if I just called a timeout and spent some time building myself up for a change, rather than being bombarded with complaining and disobedience.  It would help me to be able to deal calmly with them later, ya?”  No.

“God, I can see the vision You’ve given Darin and me for our kids, but I am worn out!  I don’t think I can go on, YA?”  No.  You can.  You have to.  Do you see the vision I have given you?

“Okay.  Please help me!”  Ya.

I usually let the kids pick the songs we will sing, but this time I picked it!  “Trust and Obey”.  This was no time to be subtle!  These kids needed to learn to Trust, and especially to Obey, right?  As we sang this song, I felt nothing but wiped out, but we made it through with little stress so I asked Lydia what she would like to sing.  She looked at the hymn book, and pointed to the song across from “Trust and Obey”, which we had never sung before, but I knew it, so agreed to go for it.  As I read the title, I chuckled a little at the irony.  It was “He Keeps Me Singing”.  I thought, “Oh, please!  I am singing, but not cheerfully!”  Here is my thought process as we sang this song:

“There’s within my heart a melody,”
Oh yeah, I’m just jumping for joy, here!  WHAT melody?
“Jesus whispers sweet and low;”
Oh, I guess I can’t hear that melody above my own complaining and disobedient attitude!  Bummer!  Well, it’s going to take me awhile to get over this.
“Fear not, I am with thee, peace be still,”
That’s right.  You said you would help me. I’m sorry.  Please help me to feel Your true joy and be able to truly disciple my children for You!
“In all of life’s ebb and flow.”
Even today!  Thank You!

(Sing it if you know it!)
“Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! 
Sweetest name I know!
Fills my every longing!
Keeps me singing as I go!”

Doesn’t He?  Yes.  He keeps us all singing as we go along the road if we remember to Trust and Obey His words.  And I thanked Him then, and thank Him now for His faithfulness in keeping His vision for our children alive in my heart that day.  We had a wonderful time of Bible study and hymn singing, and the rest of our day went so much more smoothly than when it started.  I like Ezra 8:22.  It says, “…the hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek Him.”  He never forgets a promise.  Thank you, God!

1 comment:

  1. I had to smile as I read your post. We just had a very tough issue tonight to handle with our 12 year old son. I loved reading through that hymn (that we regularly sing at our church!) We all have to remember that He is the One that brings the joy and smiles to our faces, even in tough situations!

    Yvonne :o)
