Saturday, May 5, 2007

Women in Bible Study

My husband and three older kids are camping this weekend.  I sure do miss them.  It's too quiet around here, but Third Son is definitely keeping me busy.  :-)

I had the chance to catch-up with a friend that I haven't seen enough of in the last year.  Some friendships never fade, and for that, I am so grateful.  We had a great evening together.  At one point, she asked, "Do you ever feel as if you wish you could get involved in a Bible Study?"

I used to do a Woman's Bible Study regularly.  I thought I needed the time away from the kids.  I thought it made me a better mom.  I think what it really did was make me long for more and more time away from my family because I was getting to have "real" conversations with adults.  Isn't that the goal of every mother?  To have "real" conversations? 

Since I no longer attend Women's Bible Studies, God has been doing some teaching of His own.  He has turned my heart toward home like never before, and attending a Bible Study doesn't hold the draw for me that it once did.  God constantly challenges, HUMBLES and teaches me through my daily life with my husband and children in ways that I could never receive at a Women's Bible Study.

It has been hard.  There are times when I do feel like an island.  I don't really know many others that think as I do.  I guess they're all at home with their husbands and children, which is why we never meet.  ;-)  I have been so thankful for the blogging community!  I have come across a few blogs that really encourage me in this area.

Well, this first one isn't really a blog, but a great article on Women in Ministry.  I am a recovering "woman in ministry."


Christine Miller

Maxwell Family Blog





  1. There are many women who feel draw to their homes. I recently attended a teleseminar that was offered thru The topic was Titus 2 Woman. I really did enjoy the seminar.

  2. I can so relate to what you are sharing. I have never been heavily involved in women's ministry but do feel I lack fellowship. Yet, when I recently went to check out a woman's study I found that I left with greater issues, sad to say. Then, I became concerned about whether or not I could make the next meeting and felt like I was *missing out* if I didn't. However, I was not missing out on the important role I have here. There will be a day for more fellowship but for now things work out best when my loyalties are to my husband and home. My hubby even suggested I stop going because it was becoming a hindrance in some ways (strange to say). I relate to feeling like an island sometime. I'll check out the links I don't already know from your list. Thanks for sharing!

    Blessings, Erna @

  3. I have also taken a 'break' from attending a daytime bible study. We were rushing around trying to get school done so that I could go to a weekly study. God had been tapping on my heart saying 'hello? what is your priority?' So I make daily time to read my bible and try to fit in some other reading. I know God will redeem this time. These blogs also provide so much inspiration for all of us!

    Yvonne :o)

  4. It has been days since I wandered to your blog. But this post about Women in Ministry is simply just awesome, enlightening and downright scary. I was wondering if you were simply providing links to the various blogs or if there was a post that you thought was a great read from the Maxwell's, Jackie, Christine Miller, etc. Again, thank you for this post.

