Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Write it Out

Our school just about came to a standstill this week because of printer ink.  I created new schedules for the kids.  I make a weekly schedule for them so they can plan their school day on their own.  I supervise.  But we were out of ink.  I TRIED to print, but the ol' printer just couldn't get up the umph to get down to the very bottom of our ink cartridge and print a good page for me.  Then the thought occurred to me, "Well, I guess I could WRITE OUT their schedules for them for the next few days."  What a radical thought!  ;-)

But being tied to a neat print out, I just couldn't bring myself to do it, and I didn't know what else to do without messing up my plans for school, so I found time to run to Office Max and buy some black ink.

Isn't that the silliest thing you have ever heard?  I've been thinking about this all day.  When was the last time a pen ran out of ink at our house?  I couldn't tell you.  When I was in college, the whole computer thing was brand new and we thought it was so kewl to print out our research papers on a computer printer, rather than type them the old fashioned way.  Remember those printers that had the paper with the perforated sides?  And what fonts?  There were no fonts.  Just plain ol' computer font.  And now I not only print in my choice of fonts (I love Book Antigua), but my printer is also a copier!  How did we ever teach school without these things?  I would not be complete without them. 

Ahhhh, progress.  :-)


  1. Heh! Too funny. How ever did we survive before computer technology?


  2. I had totally forgotten about printer paper being like that.

    I also like computer generated print over my own handwriting. :) It just looks so clean and crisp.


