Sunday, June 10, 2007


Becoming a mother of a large family is teaching me so many things that go way beyond Diapering 101.  So many people think that my husband and I have arrived when it comes to parenting just because we are having our fifth child.  NOT!  God is not through with us yet, and I feel like lately He has been doing a lot of pruning on my old self.  Who says that old dogs can't learn new tricks?  ;-)  This pregnancy has been so different from the others.  I am more tired and am struggling with food issues and I have the tendency to focus only on those issues, letting them cloud out the other "four issues" that I already have.  ;-)

The biggest lesson I am learning at this point is self-denial.  There is, without a doubt, a lot to do around here!  My inclination during those afternoons when my eyelids are drooping and I feel as if I'm going to pass out if Second Son doesn't hurry and finish reading his story to me, is to go take a nap!  Let the kids watch a movie while Third Son is napping, and I go nap as well.  So tempting!  But if I let myself get into that rut, the kids will never be content doing their work when they could be lazing around in front of the t.v., and they will also never finish their current school years.  I would be rested, but frazzled, because we would not be getting the schoolwork or chores done that we need to.  So I've had to buck-up and keep my nose to the grindstone even though every inch of me is crying out for some rest.

I also have to fight the urge to sit and stare after lunch and dinnertimes.  We usually have some downtime after lunch and we all usually go out to the front yard to play basketball, ride bikes, walk around the block.....I've been tempted, again, to turn on the t.v. and rest on the couch while the kids watch Andy Griffith.  I've had to make myself follow the routine and get ourselves out the door.

After dinner is when I usually try to keep up with laundry.  My husband is SO good!  He cleans the kitchen with the kids while I disappear upstairs to our bedroom for ironing and folding.  It's a blessing to have that time.  But since the pregnancy began, again, I am tempted to go lay on the couch and doze.  I am already always behind in laundry.  If I gave into this urge, I can't even imagine the chaos.  You know, there's nothing worse than when one's husband has to ask if he has any clean underwear somewhere in the house.  HA!

You know, as I have made myself do what I know I should for my family, I have truly found freedom.  No guilt over missed school lessons, dirty laundry, or fat kids!  And I am thankful for God encouraging me to walk the path that He has placed me on, rather than watching it pass me by from a reclining position on the couch.  ;-)

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