Saturday, December 1, 2007

With a Little Help from My Friends

Mama Archer has started a QuiverFull Blogroll that I am joining.  I am looking forward to seeing blogs of other QF families.  The internet is great!  We know very few people where we live that are following the same journey. 

Although we know very few people where we live who are QuiverFull families, we have been so blessed by friends who have been so supportive of what we feel is God's plan for our family.  There are two ladies in particular who helped bring us here through prayer.

After First and Only Husband had his vasectomy, he and I both knew that we had made a bad decision.  I cried when he walked in the door after the deed was done and he just about did, too.  Our tempraments are a bit different.  When a decision is made,  First and Only Husband does not want to turn right back around and change it the next day.  I do!  ;-)  So began three years of me forwarding him articles I found on the web, nagging, and downright begging for him to get a reversal. 

I finally gave up talking with him about it and did what I should have done in the first place.  Prayed about it!  I had two really great prayer partners at the time and I also brought my request to them.  These two ladies are MAJOR prayer warriors and within a very short time, my Husband had agreed to a reversal.  Here is a link to his side of this story if you're interested.

You know, I'm not even totally sure how my two prayer partners felt about this prayer request I brought to them.  Did they think I was insane?  ;-)  I'll never know, because they never questioned me about it.  They just prayed with me about it.  That is an incredible kind of support for which I am eternally grateful.  Because of their care for me and my concerns, whether they agreed or not, they committed themselves to pray for what was on my heart concerning our family, and it has brought such great results for our family.  Third Son would never be here, and Second Daughter would not be days away from being born.  Our older three would have missed out on the fun they have had being big brothers and sister to these little ones.  Believe me, they have enjoyed it so far and the enjoyment will only be increased when Second Daughter is born.  And because of my Husband agreeing to go through the reversal, and his reasons for even beginning down this path, our relationship has been stronger.  Not to mention our faith in God has grown so much!

I am so thankful for you, friends!  Thank you for encouraging me with your prayers and strengthening our family in ways we three could never have imagined. You were doing more for us than praying for more babies for our family. 

"...May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another."  Genesis 31:49


  1. Thank you for your testimony! I pray that we can be encouragements to each other!

  2. I praise the Lord for the work He did in your lives and in changing your husband's heart! I know we know His words are true but I just never get tired of hearing the testimonies of those truths working themselves out in peoples lives :D

  3. Becca --

    I'm so glad your prayer for your husband was answered and he had his reversal as that is what God led you to do. My husband and I are both now praying and asking God to give us another child. We have prayed about a reversal through tears and do not feel God wants us to go in that direction. We know that we did not have trust and faith in God when I had my tubal. We accept that God's answer may be no but are sincerely praying for His answer to be yes. I am only sorry that my sister in law cannot see that my prayers for healing mean just as much to God as the prayers for husbands minds to be changed.

    God bless you and your family!!


    (PS you may remember that we talked before about you and my sister sharing the same name)

  4. have been part of (and I hope will ALWAYS be a part of!) your life. It's been a joy and an incredibly fulfilling faith journey with you and I can't wait to "watch" your family bloom and grow. Praying for a safe, happy, healthy delivery! Love to you all from the midwest!

  5. Becca, it was an honor to be able to pray for you during the reversal - and to see that God has blessed you with more children is so wonderful! I pray that you have a safe delivery and healthy daughter!

  6. friends like that are hard to come by -- hold on to those two!

  7. is wonderful. I know it takes strength to stand up and share a story that you know isn't going to be popular. Our story is similar except that we only had 15 months between the vas and reversal. I may go back and write our story as well and join the blogroll too.

