Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The whole "when should the baby come" issue is really cracking me up.  Yesterday at my OB appointment, I mentioned that my husband wanted me to wait until the 12th, if possible.  My doctor said, "No, not that day.  That's my day off!"  LOL!  If I could just get my parents, husband and OB in the same room, maybe they could work something out among themselves and then let me know.  ;-)

After this conversation, my OB was checking me out, and she kept saying, "I don't know.....maybe 9 lbs."  Eeeeeek!  With my skill in math, I was able to quickly add 1 more week, which equals 1 more pound.  When she mentioned inducing me my immediate response was that I would check with my Husband as soon as I got home and give her a call.  I have given birth to a 10 lb. 2 oz. baby before, and really, once was enough.  ;-)

So after consulting with First and Only Husband, this Friday has been agreed upon.  That will give us the weekend to get back home from the hospital and get settled in so he can get back to work on Monday and finish things up before being blessed with the rest of the month off!  I can't wait!  I LOVE having him here.

So pray for us on Friday!  We have to show up at the hospital at 4:45 a.m.  Oyve.  My Husband and I are both night owls.  It is still DARK outside at 4:45 a.m. and no one should even be considering getting out of bed at that time, but off to the hospital we will go!  We will post pictures ASAP.   


  1. Oh I am so excited!!!! Friday as in tomorrow!!! Yeah!!

    LOL- my daughter just hit this balloon we have that sings happy birthday! HAHA what timing!


  2. Thanks, Mama Archer. :-) We are so excited over here. It's been just like a holiday here today. And we're making a BIG dinner to celebrate!



  3. praying for you today!

  4. I'm just reading this on Friday! I hope all is well with everyone and look forward to any updates after your family has settled down. :0) Blessings to you!

    Erna @ Sweet Serenity

  5. Becca,

    Congratulations on your new baby. I hope everything went well with the delivery. I'm looking forward to the stories and pictures!

