Tuesday, December 11, 2007

She's Here!

Our baby girl is here.  :-)  She was born on Friday, December 7th at 10:47 a.m., weighing in at 8 lbs. 14 oz., 20 3/4 inches.  I would love to post a picture for you to see, but we got a new camera and I have no clue how to use it.  My husband has taken all the pictures so far and the pictures are on his computer.  I hope to get some of them from him tomorrow night so I can post them for you to see!  She is beautiful.  :-)

The reason I can't get any pictures from my Husband is that he has been working major overtime since Second Daughter (Sophia) was born.  This is the perfect example of how our year has gone.  ;-)  But our hope is that within the next two days, this project that he has to finish ASAP will be done and he will be able to take off for the rest of the year.  The big blessing in all of this is my parents.  If they weren't here right now, we have no clue how we would survive this time.

This birth was by far the easiest I have ever experienced.  If you're a fan of epidurals, you'll totally enjoy this story.  If not, you might shake your head and sigh over me.  LoL 

On the Tuesday before the induction, at my OB appointment, my doctor told me I was 3 cm dilated.  When I showed up at the hospital on Friday to be induced, the nurse checked me first thing, and I was dilated to between a 4 1/2 and 5!!!  I couldn't believe it.  My first thought was that an epidural is usually given once a mom is 4 cm.  So I asked my nurse if I could go ahead and get the epidural right then and there so I wouldn't have to go through the trauma of getting it while in the middle of agonzing contractions.  Made sense to me, made sense to my nurse, and it obviously made sense to my OB because she gave the go-ahead.  So my nurse started the pitocin, gave the anesthesiologist a ring, and he showed up before the contractions became anything more than annoying.  This was between 8:30 and 9 a.m.  After that, I spent my time watching the intensity of my contractions on the monitor and First and Only Husband, who was getting a cold!, got a little work done on his laptop.  It was the most surreal experience of my life.  It was so calm - almost boring!  Finally around 10:30 my OB came in and let me try a few pushes which brought Second Daughter down into position.  She and our nurse broke down the table for delivery, I pushed through three or four contractions, and there she was!  And OH MY GOODNESS she is so beautiful.  And we are tickled because she looks a lot like First Daughter.  I can't wait to see them all grown up together.  What a blessing God has given us in our girls. 

I stayed in the hospital until Sunday morning.  I was really ready to go home on Saturday but everyone kinda wigs out over the mother with five kids and insisted I stay one more day so I could "get some rest."  If God chooses to bless us again, I think I'll just come home next time, although I did enjoy the time alone with Second Daughter.  My windows overlooked the busy interstate and other roads and it felt so cozy to look out at all the traffic going here and there, realizing that Second Daughter and I were snug in our room on the top floor with just a few people going in and out, making sure we were both healthy and happy.

Hopefully I'll have pictures tomorrow!  :-)


  1. WOW! Congratulations! I've been wondering. I was thinking this weekend how different our weekend was from yours. You had the immense privilege of welcoming a new life into the world and seeing her face for the first time. I just LOVE that...every single time.

    We, on the other hand, said goodbye to my parents who are moving out of our area. I'll post more in my blog some time, but it was tough. We're very close to my parents and they have been incredible grandparents.

    All that to say, I turn around and look at my five children and my husband and thank the Lord that I have near me. I will miss my parents, but my kids are such a delight to my soul.

    I'm just over-flowing with happiness for you.

    The epidural part of your story just shows that your goal was to welcome a baby, not prove something about yourself in order to have bragging rights later. At least that was what I told myself as I begged the nurse to get the anesthesiologist in my room ASAP!!! :-)

    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy....



    I have been checking here since Friday waiting to hear! I am so happy for you and glad that all went so smoothly!!!!


  3. Oh, Becca!! You know I'm just tearing up thinking about how much she looks like Lydia- cute as a button!!!! I so wish I was there. Your story was beautiful. I love you and your family and am so happy for you guys!! Post pics ASAP and know even though miles seperate us I'm praying and thinking of you.

    Love you,


  4. JacqueDixonSoulRestESDecember 12, 2007 at 6:05 AM

    Glad everything went well.

    When I had the first ones in the hospital, I went from staying the 3 days to staying 24h. I wanted to get home and share! lol. So I totally understand.

    I am still enjoying snuggling with LucyLillie at 8months... and Caleb at 2-1/2 years... I hope that doesn't end anytime soon!

    So we have Sus and Luc... and... :) Oh... I see it: Sophia. Beautiful name.

    blessings~ I hope you get a LOT of rest and snuggling done!


  5. Congrats! We are so happy for you! What a Joy a new baby brings. Epidural or not...(I prefer natural) it is still a wonderful story ;-) Did I see a name in that post yet, or did I miss it in the excitement of reading your post? Our third child (Mercy Fire) we took several days.....almost a week before we decided on a name :) We are expecting our 5th child May 2008!

    Love & Blessings,

    Jason & Anna Wilkinson


    Quiverfull in Alaska

  6. hooray for babies! Congrats to you Dear.

    Sandy @ The Daily Poop


  7. OH Becca! I am so happy it all went SO WELL. I only wish my birth exp had gone half as well as yours. My epi worked only on ONE side and I was dying at the end...just dying. Then the placenta would not come out, gross story, I'll tell you by email later, LOL. I am so happy you are fine and that little Sophia is here. We have to somehow at some point get our little girls together. It was so fun to go thru our pregs together....so fun. Let's plan on this time again next year ok? ;-)

    We need at least one more little one so that Susani has a friend to grow up with, hopefully a sister. What do you say....let's time it so that we're together again! :)


  8. Congratulations! Praising the Lord with you.

    Lisa ( From the Beehive Buzz)

  9. Alicia @ ambientsolace.orgDecember 12, 2007 at 12:52 PM

    Glad all went smoothly :D

  10. I'm so glad everything went so well. I was beginning to wonder if you'd gotten lost on the way to the hospital....... LOL :) Enjoy these precious baby days. You know how very quickly they fly away!

    Love, Sharon

  11. Praise GOD!!!!! Congratulations! Your delivery is exactly what I'd like to have in late July or early early August. It sounds MUCH like my experience with my 2nd son. Love epidurals!!! :) Again, congrats!


  12. Hi there, This is Melissa D. SC from over at Xanga, I am part of the Quiverful Blogroll that MamaArcher set up. I have just finally gotten some free time to catch up with the quiverful post and to stop by here and say congratulations. Your baby is simply beautiful!!! may the Lord give you the rest you need and may your husband get the needed rest he needs while home on vacation.

    God Bless,

    Melissa D. SC

