Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Challenge

Mama Archer posted a comment on the entry that I wrote on feeling like, as a Quiverfull Mom, I need to keep in shape.  She wrote, "oh, did you just issue the challenge to exercise?? HAHA"

Well.  Did you just issue the challenge to issue a challenge to exercise?  LOL!  Either way, that's what I'm gonna do.

All you Moms of Many out there.....we need to stay in shape!  God's blessings are many, but that doesn't mean we get to sit back and do nothing.  We have to work FOR them and because of them.  ;-)  Not only do we get to deal with poopy diapers, spit-up, potty training, and sleep deprivation, but also bodies that start sagging.  As we get older - believe me, I know what I'm talking about here - the toll on our bodies starts to add up.  We can't allow ourselves to get to the point to where another pregnancy slows us down if it doesn't have to.

So if you would like to join me in some exercise fun, please grab the code for the button below and we can hold each other accountable.  If you join in, I would like you to post each Monday, letting us know your progress.  I will have Mr. Linky available starting today!  Sign-in with Mr. Linky and leave me a comment.  :-)

Just copy the code in the textbox below the button and paste it to your blog and it will put this challenge button on your blog with a link right back here so others can also enjoy this challenge.

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge



  1. Bleh.

    I'm not exactly bursting with enthusiasm right this moment but I need to do this.

    Sign me up.

    I don't have to start 'til Monday, right?

  2. okay! Just for the record, I was NOT issuing a challenge to issue a challenge!! So please do not blame me!! HAHA!

    I feel like I need to participate but I come kicking and screaming mind you! Hey kicking,, that is exercise right???? **grin**


  3. If I can count Yoga as exercise, I am in.


  4. that last comment post was from me!

    Melissa D. SC

  5. I was just telling my hubby last night that I need to do a short walk once or twice a day with my children. In my situation, I am dealing with a blood clotting issue and one of the ways to prevent that is to get soem exercise each day. So I will try for each day!

  6. Count me in! I weighed in this morning and my weekly motivator (The Biggest Loser) is on tomorrow night...

  7. We recently got a membership at the local YMCA. I'll let you know each Monday what we did the previous week, and if we have a plan for the current week :)

  8. OK! I really need to do this....sigh...It will help to know others are doing this with me. Count me in.

  9. I really could use the accountability here, with my exercising. I have been consistently exercising for about a week, and it is great. Thanks so much for this!

    In Him,


  10. Amen Sister! Don't sag where you don't need to is my motto...

    Plus, it gives you energy!

    Plus, it helps you through those long labors!

    Plus, it helps you when you are, ahem, older and you need to chase after toddlers!

    Plus......well, we could go on and on!

    Moma Ant'

  11. but I ran across two other blogs today that had your button...I came back here and read that Rom 12:1 is your theme verse--and we just happen to be memorizing Rom 12 as a family right now. I guess I'm supposed to join!

  12. Welcome everyone! I am THRILLED not to be alone in the pain and agony that is also known as exercise. ;-)



  13. I came across your challenge via MamaArcher's blog. I've always been able to lose weight and inches by one year postpartum without really trying (please don't hate me), but last year was my first birth after the big 4-0, and what a Despicable Difference that made in my overall health. So it's time to Get Serious about this whole exercise thing before another babe shows up, because I want to guard the life and health of myself and those God has granted me.

    Plus, I have teen girls who can exercise with me!

  14. I read about your challenge on Lily of the Valley. Here I am, joining in! Emily (HisKids37)

  15. Okay, count me in, too. I'm with Mama Archer, kicking and screaming, but I am afraid if I don't start walking soon, I won't be able to do even that much! I need to have someone MAKE me do it. I am a consummate failure at this stuff. And it's catching up with me fast. See you Monday.


  16. Oops - number 18 was me but for some reason it "entered" before I even finished typing my name - could be that the "a" and "enter" are close on the laptop. ::snort::

    I linked to this week's update - I could have waited until Monday or used last week's post (because I never got around to signing mr. linky) but anyway.....Is it o.k. if I post "by Monday"....In other words if this is weekly and I have time on the weekend can I just post on the weekend....Monday's are horrendous at our home. LOL


  17. Hey De'Etta - welcome! and yes, post whenever you can. Totally understand how crazy life gets. Especially on a Monday morning.



  18. I've always liked a challenge...

    The baby turned one last month...and I still haven't lost the baby weight. It's time!

  19. I really enjoyed reading over your blog!! And I am excited to join in on other moms of many!!



  20. I think I'm up to the challenge. Going to try!

  21. Count me in! I'm training with tapes in my basement now so that I can start running with my kids this summer for cross country! That really will be something if I can do it!

  22. I was just lamenting about exercising on my blog the other day. I'm trying, I'm hanging in there...but I finding it hard to WANT to hang in there! So thanks for doing this!!! I can use the encouragement and accountability

    now if I can just figure out how to get the button on my sidebar........ and I mustn't miss my exercising for today...missed yesterday.

  23. Shyla - Mom to Six SweetiesMarch 17, 2008 at 10:01 AM

    I am just getting started today, so no updates yet, but I definitely hope to report success next week :o)

  24. Thanks for issuing this challenge. I have been going to our new YMCA at least two, if not three, days a week. Looking forward to seeing how others do!

  25. I'm in I need to exercise for a peace of mind and to gain more endorphans! Donna F

  26. OK, I know I need to do this!

  27. I've been exercising for the last 3 weeks (walking). Now I am making it publicly known (eek). It will be getting to hot here soon to walk but I have my DVD scoped out that will be using inside.


  28. Hi,

    I found this new site when was I looking for a free chart/graph to track my weight loss. I love charts. Anyway, it looks like an intereresting diet site. Maybe you've profiled it already???


    Also known as Passionforpurple.

  29. Hi,

    I am so excited! I am seeing results. Yippee! I am back to walking and a tummy workout three times a week. Amazing! I have gone from yoga to walking in two months. Endorphins really are a pick me up. :-)



  30. I went through and stuck the M.O.M. challenge logo on all my post baby(she's 7 weeks old) workouts! What a great thing to keep me motivated - simple pleasures for simple minds - but i feel like blogging my workouts keeps me faithful, and even just a little thing like this will be an encouragement to me that other moms are doing this, too :) and hopefully my blog posts will give moms ideas for cool, easy, and intense workouts! My husband is my personal trainer - and he's pretty hard core! But it's worked once and i know he can do it again! I just wish i had asked him to help me with all my first five babies - instead i waited till after baby #6 and he helped me lose all my baby fat from six babies at once - this time i want to lose it all quickly, get strong again - i'm eating in the Zone, and running and doing workouts at home, loosely following the workout of the day (WOD) from - i highly recommend all of these things!

  31. Thanks for the great reminder to take care of ME! So I am better able to serve the Lord and take care of my family.


  32. Thank you so much for the challenge, its just what I need!!

  33. I have not lost any more weight, but I am losing inches. It is strange how that works, but I am glad that the exercise is working.

    Way to go on walking 11 1/2 miles last week, Becca. That is awesome. I am like you, I want to see results quickly.



  34. drawandwritehistorymomJuly 14, 2008 at 6:16 PM

    I really need this challenge. 18 years of marraige and 7 children later.....well lets just say I need this! God bless.


  35. Two months ago I had my fourth child (in 6 years of marriage) and recently have been convicted about caring for the "temple" the Lord has given me, esp. as I inch forward in my age and as I will more than likely be having more children in the future (we're quiverfull). I'm looking forward to having the online accountability.

  36. Great idea! Some mornings I REALLY lack motivation. This will be yet another way to hold myself accountable!

  37. Great Idea. This will help keep me motivated.

    looking forward to getting in shape with ya all.

  38. Great idea! I'm 4 weeks postpartum and have chronic health issues, so I've really needed to start something serious and this will be just the thing.

  39. Hi I'm a Mama to 5 too! I'd love to be apart of this challenge! So what I'm suppose to do is blog about my progress and what I'm doing every Monday, right? on my blog right? and I'll attach the button to my blog for others. Hope this is right! Blessings, EMichelle
