Monday, February 25, 2008

Feelin' Strong Now!

I couldn't resist this YouTube video.  I'm gonna have to check out getting my own side of beef....

I have to tell you that if it wasn't for you guys, I would have given into temptation this week!  I'm not dieting, but I am being a little more careful about what I eat.  On Monday night, I had to go to Toys R Us to buy a birthday present for a party two of my kids were going to.  I haven't been to Toys R Us in FOREVER.  After I finally found what I was looking for and made my way to the front, I was just about overcome with all the tempting junk food they had by the registers!  I don't remember it being like that before.  Peanut M&Ms, Snickers, and they even had ice cream in a little cooler - remember Drumsticks?  Man, I wanted one of those.  But I thought of you guys out there working out with me and thought of what a waste it would be if I ate any of that stuff, so I walked as far away from all of that as I could and left the store with a victory!

The second temptation came on Thursday afternoon.  My husband worked from home that day so I was able to get out in the afternoon and take care of some long overdue errands.  I was dying for a venti, breve, 10-pump chai tea from Starbucks.  It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't close to 1,000 calories in it.  ;-)  Again, I reminded myself that you guys were working with me, and I was able to resist.  THANK YOU!

I'm still working out with my Cindy Crawford video.  I'm a Little Miss All-or-Nothing and have a hard time not working out every day.  I have to make myself not workout at least two days a week.  So I'm working out five days a week.  (Can you imagine the huge pile of laundry on my bedroom floor and our dirty bathrooms?)  I'm finally to the point where I'm not sore after a workout anymore and can feel a difference from that very painful first week in how I keep up with Cindy.  It occurred to me that I'm working out with a 20-something-year-old.  Where are all the workout videos made by 40-year-olds????  Anywho....(did I really just write "anywho"???) even though I've been dedicated to working out and watching what I eat, I've gained two pounds this week!  Waaaaaaaaah!  But ya know how they say muscle weighs more than fat?  Well, I've decided I've gained two pounds of muscle.  LOL  I wish!

I can't wait to read your updates!  Sign-in with Mr. Linky and leave a comment!



  1. my recap of the 1st week is up!


  2. My post is up...don't hold your breath! :-)

    I flunked out! I'll keep trying.

  3. Just posting has me ready for a nap.

  4. Thank you for posting it. I made my self do 2 of my 15 min toners to make up for missing two days and will do my other video tomorrow which would normally be an off day. Man it was SO hard today. I just did NOT want to. Thank you....getting strong now....
