Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Life for Me

Mentally, I'm still in a learning stage when it comes to being a Full Quiver Mom.  We just had our second reversal baby.  There are two things that are kicking in for me with this new blessing:

1)  Really, I learn this with every baby, but it's more intense with each one.....my time is not my own.  I am constantly on-the-go these days and just about none of my going is for me.  With five in the house, there's always going to be someone who needs something, a meal that needs to be made, cleaning that needs to get done (nah, who needs a clean toilet seat?  ;-), yadda, yadda, yadda.  More so now than ever, I find myself having to will myself to do some of the things that come my way each day.  I want to read a book, work on the cross stich project I was silly enough to start recently, scrapbook......whatever!  I am really being stretched in this area.  Having children really does contribute to our sanctification! 

2)  I have gotten to the point where I realize that I HAVE to exercise daily because 1) pregnancy is a nine-month marathon.  Ya just HAVE to be in shape for it!  2)  I'm afraid to give childbearing a bad rap with my flabby body.  There are enough excuses out there for women to decide not to have a child.  I don't want to be the one to convince someone that they'll end up a flabby mess if they get pregnant.  Especially when it's not the baby that causes the flab.  It's lazy moms who don't take care of themselves!

I find that having "all these children" stretches me rather than causes me to stagnate.  Who are the Moms that think they have to take a pottery class to feel as if they are still interesting?  I don't feel bored or boring.  Daily I feel challenged and encouraged to think in new ways.  This is the life for me!


  1. I was just browsing through the last 100 posts and yours caught my eye. I too have a reversal story although the Lord's timing has not shown itself yet. I have grown so much as the Lord has been teaching me about patience, contentment, and that I am okay because He is in control. I admire your courage and desire to follow the Lord's heart as you and your husband have surrendered your family size to Him. I appreciated the laughs too, some of your posts are quite humerous! Thanks and God Bless, Deanna

  2. I can honestly say that nothing has forced me to grow in so many areas like motherhood has. There are so many things that I never considered as "me" that I am now doing and delighting in daily and surprising myself often. I'm not the same person I use to be and it's a very good thing!

    Also, I took a couple months break from exercising and just recently figured I needed to get my act back together so I'm more physically prepared if the Lord chooses to bless us with another arrow. My abs, right up under my ribs, are killing me.

  3. oh, did you just issue the challenge to exercise?? HAHA

    Motherhood brings the need to exercise in every area, we are stretched and gown is so many ways. I need to be more disciplined in some areas but am glad at the progress in others!

