Sunday, November 30, 2008


We got a new dishwasher yesterday.  Our old one up and died about a month ago.  We knew it was on the way out, but wanted to use every bit of life the poor thing had left.  We suceeded!

Every time my Mom fills or empties her dishwasher (or ours, or anyone else's) she thanks God for it.  Growing up without one, she knows what it's like to have to wash every little fork, plate and spoon.  Now the Darin Beard family understands her thankfulness.  A family of seven can generate quite a few dishes. 

Back when we first had to do without our dishwasher, every single one of us approached it as a challenge.  We were no wimps.  We could wash our own dishes!  Well, we did wash our own dishes, but we were not happy about it after the first few days.By the time Darin got home with the dishwasher yesterday, we seriously had to debate whether to install the dishwasher first, or put up the Christmas tree first.  That's a big deal considering our kids start harassing us about putting up the tree once November hits.

Even though it's nice having a new dishwasher, I balk at the new thing in the house.  For one, it's a different color and doesn't look the same sitting among our cabinets as the old one did.  <sniff>  For another thing, it's got a different set-up than the old one.  How on earth are we supposed to load the thing?  I'm SURE I'll never figure out a way.  Lastly, the buttons on the front work differently and make a beeping sound.  <gasp!>  I'm 40 now....aren't I allowed to be boring and set in my ways?  The thing that concerns me most is that our last dishwasher always made it sound as if we were going to be hit with a tidal wave at any minute.  This new one is so quiet!  I literally tiptoe by it while it's running.  I feel as if I have to be quiet around it!  Maybe I'm not only old and set in my ways, but a tad bit "off" as well.  ;-)

On another  housekeeping note, last week for school, Lydia had to write a short little thing trying to persuade me to let her do something I would "never - ever" let her do.  I was very interested in what she would write about.  Being the freaky, over-protective parents we are, there are a lot of things Lydia, who is 10, is not allowed to do.  Just which one of those things would she choose to beg me to allow her to do?  Here's what she wrote:

Please, please, let me iron, Mama.  I wish I could so much.  I'll work on ironing while you rest!  Please. 

God bless us, every one.

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