Sunday, November 5, 2006

Be Faithful

A few years ago, while reading A Charlotte Mason Companion, I came across a wonderful bit of advice from Karen Andreola, and I have tried to follow it faithfully.  It has made all the difference in our home on Monday mornings!


"Years ago, I made the mistake of allowing my young children time off from certain good actions on the weekend before certain habits were solidly formed.  My failing became apparent to me when I discovered that - like the month of March - Monday morning came in like a lion!  To insure that Monday comes in like a lamb, those weekday actions of neatness, politeness, obedience, must be employed on the weekend, too.  A new goal for me was: Let good actions not become relaxed on the weekends.  Only then would these good actions become good habits." (73)


Our kids do have the regular daily chores on Saturday, but on Sundays we relax and only ask that the kids make up their beds, keep their rooms neat, and do their daily pick-ups (in our house, that means picking-up things in an assigned room and putting them away).


Sow an act, reap a habit,

sow a habit, reap a character,

sow a character, reap a destiny.

- Thomas a Kempis

1 comment:

  1. Good point! We try not to let certain habits slip. But sometimes... Oh, and I loved that book - probably time to reread it.
