Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tackle-It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme



Our timeline for school has been through some rough times in the last few months.  Pieces of it have fallen down and ended up scattered here and there through the house.  This is the project I decided to take care of this week, with the help of my kids. 


The timeline pieces have been a cluttery mess on my desk for too long.  Never mind the stuff I had to clear off the desk in order to take this picture.  ;-)



And then of course there was King George III on my bathroom wall.....


Here is the timeline before.  You can see where it needs work!


I got my kids busy with this one, and we used this for our history lesson today.  First I had the kids take off the old, nasty tape from the pieces that were stuck together on my desk.  Then my oldest put the lines back in order on the wall (I was in charge of tape!).  Then I quizzed all three on each of the timeline figures before we put them back on the timeline.  I gave a clue about who the figure was, and they each tried to guess.  They usually got it right.  Then I had them each tell me one thing they remembered about each character.  I was amazed at the details they remembered about each person.  Don't anyone tell ME that textbooks are superior to living books!  ;-)


Here is the finished job!  I am so glad to have those stinkin' strips of timeline off my desk and on the wall!


  1. Well that was an educational tackle.

    Great lesson and I am glad it is off your desk for you!

  2. Well that was an educational tackle.

    Great lesson and I am glad it is off your desk for you!

  3. Great Tackle and way to get the kids involved. Hope you feel more organized now!

    Have a great week-ChupieandJ'smama


  4. Sorry, I forgot to sign my comment (the one with living books & CM in it). Erna (http://erna-sweet-serenity.blogspot.com)

  5. Wow! That was quite the tackle. Living books . . . as a mom considering homeschooling I'm hearing more and more about living books & Charlotte Mason. I still feel a bit out of it but my daughter is only 3 but keen on learning. Hmmm . . . I have got to get busy learning more. :0) Great tackle!

  6. What a great tackle it! Your time line looks awesome and I bet your kids are happy to have it all "up" too! :)

    Dont you just love "clutter" that ends up trying to take over our lives - though we have the best of intentions, it always seems to sneak up on us, or at least me! :)

    Great work momma!!! (and kiddo's!)

  7. looks good - congrats on the accomplishment!

    so glad you are tackling with us! :)


