Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Tackle-It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme



Well, I can't seem to follow the rules and do anything the way it's supposed to be done, but I guess there is always a method to my madness.  I visited my friend Julie over at At My Hearth last week, and she had completed a Tackle-It Tuesday.  I loved the idea because this is the way I try to get to things in my house - a little at a time, since I always only have a little bit of time here and there that I can spare to special cleaning projects.



I was inspired to do a Tackle-It Tuesday, and was considering a few different jobs I could tackle.  But I kept thinking about the time it would take to tackle it on a Tuesday, which is a schoolday around here, and I just hated to try to find the time to set aside to get it done - in between regular chores, nursing the baby, helping the kids with their schoolwork, meals, and whatever else came up.  I kept picturing my kids floating around and being unproductive (can't have THAT!) while I was immersed in purging the clutter from my home. 



I decided to do my Tackle-It Tuesday on Friday night while the kids and my husband, Darin, were at an Awana pizza party.  I stayed home with the baby.  Usually I would fill this "extra" time with scrapbooking, reading, knitting....something fun!  But I was determined to tackle the dresser in my bedroom.  It was piled-up with clothes that the kids have outgrown, a dress-up dress that needed mending, books, misc. papers, some of Darin's clothes that he had taken off and was going to put away "later."  There were also clothes in Target bags scattered around the dresser that needed to be stored for later.  Basically, a HUGE mess that I had been looking at all week, wondering when I would find the time to tackle the job.  So Friday night was the night.



I sent our digital camera with Darin so he could take pictures of the kids while they were playing Awana games and hanging out with their pals.  That almost stopped me from doing the job because I really did want to have a Before and After picture, but I plowed on, and did it without a Before picture.  I only have an After picture, and here it is.  Doesn't it look GREAT?????  You'll have to take my word for it that it was a total, dreary mess.




I used the time I would have normally tackled my mess to spend outside with the kids.The picture below is Lydia, Ben and our dog, Joy.


This is Jack.  He doesn't like to get his picture taken, so I had to chase him down into the garage for this one.  If I hadn't zoomed in, you would have been able to see another Tackle-It Tuesday project for the future!


  1. Last week I did my "Tackle" on Monday because the weather was with me. I washed and waxed my car. I don't think it matters when it's done, but it sure feels great when it's finished!! Have a great week :D

  2. OOPS! I forgot to add "check mine out" at http://www.zumfamily.blogspot.com

  3. I bet the kids really enjoyed having momma around to play with instead of "tackling" a project and your room looks great!! KUDOS!

  4. hm... this made me very very suspicious.... I'm sure that it was such a mess that you found it too embarassing to show us... *teasing you*

    Tthough you're excused, because the result were so excellent!!!

    There is a blogroll (link list) for Tackle It Tuesdays participants for your sidebar, that makes it easier to visit participants, you can get it here:


    Mrs Lifecruiser


    So glad to have you joining us! And NO worries - most of us do our tackles sometime during the week so that we can have them up for Tuesday am. When I first started the idea, I thought I would do them Tuesday, but quickly realized that due to time zones etc I would only post on Tuesdays and due them earlier.

    So glad you went ahead with out the camera- wouldn't have wanted to miss out on that opportunity to tackle!


