Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Are You Relevant? Part 2

I love reading Pulpit Magazine.  It's really a blog, rather than a magazine, but I guess they can call it whatever they want. ;-)  It actually used to be an online magazine before they changed it to the blog format.  Pulpit Magazine is edited by John MacArthur, one of my favorite pastors.  I have learned so much from listening to his daily radio podcasts.

Today's post on Pulpit Magazine kinda goes together with my post from yesterday about "culturally relevant" churches.  In his post, John MacArthur writes about keeping truth, TRUTH.  There is no need to change what is in the Bible to "fit" our culture today.  Here's an excerpt:

Certainly, an individual’s understanding of the truth can be refined and sharpened by study of the Scripture. But the truth itself does not need to be reinvented or retooled in order to make it suitable for the times in which we live. The same truth Abraham, Moses, David, and the apostles believed is still truth for us. Changing times do not change the truth. Scripture is as unchanging as God Himself: “But the word of the LORD endures forever” (1 Peter 1:25). In other words, we need to adapt our understanding to the truth of God’s Word, not try to manipulate Scripture in a vain effort to harmonize it with the changing opinions of this world.

Here is a link to the rest of the post.  Much shorter than the link to the article I posted yesterday.  ;-)  Go HERE.

1 comment:

  1. I know you said you will not be able to get the new HSB Literary book, Self Raised, until August, but you also said you found it online too! :+)

    I know this is not to the subject of your post, but I wanted you to know that the first post for the HSB Literary Club is up and we have begun our second book! All details are on the blog and I hope you come join us!


