Friday, July 13, 2007

Pregnancy Update

Had an OB appointment this morning.  It was for 9:45 and I was pulling into our driveway at 10:15.  It's so funny.  I am SO excited about our new baby that there are times when I feel that along with me, everyone else should be making a big, fat deal out of our impending arrival.  So a short, short OB visit seems so anticlimactic.  ;-)  But after sharing the news of the pregnancy, even my own family has settled down into a "we're just waiting for the baby to be born and living our lives like real people until the birth" routine.  Ho Hum. 

I have been stressing hard the last few weeks, though.  My husband sent First Son up to the laundry room to get a bottle of bleach.  Well, the poor kid dropped it, and it broke, spilling the bleach all over the laundry room (small, 5x6 room), into the hallway, and across the hallway into our bedroom.

As an aside, let me say that if you can get your laundry room UPSTAIRS and across the hallway from your bedroom, do it!  It has been so kewl to not have to run up and down the stairs with laundry.  I have to do one or two loads per day to keep up with the demand around here and I just can't imagine what life would be like having the laundry room shoved off in a corner of the house next to the kitchen.  What a drag!

So First Son spilled the bleach.  Ugh.  What a mess!  To keep prego me out of the fumes, my husband and First Son cleaned up the mess.  I didn't really give it much more thought after that.  The day was busy, and when I went to bed that night, I fell asleep in about two seconds.  My husband woke me up in the middle of the night saying, "Isn't that bleach smell bothering you?"  As I wrote, it had also gotten into the carpet in the hallway and in our bedroom.  But I was so out of it, I told him no, then rolled back over and went back to sleep  as soon as I shut my eyes.  The next morning, my husband and I both had headaches and sore throats from the bleach fumes.  I finally understood what his issue had been.  :-/  I frantically searched the web to see if I could find anything that would tell me if inhaling bleach fumes for hours on end was harmful to the baby but could find nothing.  My husband told me to quit stressing and trust God, so I said "okay." 

I've just been praying, and waiting till this visit when I could chat with my OB about it.  And talk about anticlimactic!  There I was, telling my bleach story, about to get all teary with thoughts that I could have hurt the baby and my OB just shrugged her shoulders, wrinkled up her nose, and said, "The baby is probably just fine!"  And so that is that!

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if you know, but vinegar will counteract the bleach. You have to be very fast if you spill bleach on clothing :)
