Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sending Out an S.O.S.

Third Son has been sick with a fever since last Wednesday and no one knows what the trouble is.  He has no other symptoms but hives.  Yup, hives.  So we have no clue and have been praying for his recovery from this mystery illness. 

It's been a tough last week, and man, I am feeling ragged.  I didn't want to let the older three languish in front of the t.v. while I tried to keep Third Son happy, so I've been working at keeping them on our regular schedule as much as I can.  To top it all off, I have developed a head cold.  My husband was able to stay home today and lend a hand, God bless him.  Tomorrow he will not be able to - he has tons of deadlines and pressure at work right now.  So if you're reading this, and feel the urge, please pray for our little familia, and for me, that I will not totally collapse in a heap on the floor in the morning when my husband leaves for work.  ;-)

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