Monday, June 2, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

As much as I understand the need for daily exercise, I had to take a week off from exercising this past week so I could catch up on life around here.  Since I've been exercising regularly, some things have fallen by the wayside.  I'm just not in a phase in life where I can do it all.  So either I exercise and get nothing else done, or I get other things done, but no exercise.  ;-)  Looking at the piles of things sitting on my desk, I think I will probably take another week off this week to get just a bit more together. 

This stage in life is hard for me because I thrive on completing things.  With a baby, 2 year old, and three olders in full-blown school, it's just not possible.  Not to mention wrangling contractors to come to our house for some repair work.  LoL

SO.....Just like the exercise is good for me, and good for my family, so is taking care of all the piles of things on my desk.  It's all a process.  ;-)

Sign-in with Mr. Linky and let me know you were here!  For more info on what this challenge is, go HERE.


  1. It is very hard to keep the balance. I am struggling with it also. I won't put my post up till later today, since I have a prayer request posted that takes priority. I did meet my goal of walking 26 miles last week and so far I've lost 18 lbs (2 just last week). I hope to see more people signing mr. linky, it's such an encouragement to see how others are doing. I see the ranks are dwindling.


  2. Whew, I'm not the only one who didn't exercise much last week lol. Thanks for continuing to host this challenge, it really has helped me a lot. Hope you have a blessed week. Julie

  3. Hang in there, Becca. Just keep doing what you are - one thing at a time.

    I also cut way back on working out this past week because I had to get some projects done. I had to. I tell myself it's a lifestyle change - so over the long run it will even out.


  4. bleh. I empathize. I've been trying to get at least a little something done in way of exercise though because my lack of it lately hasn't been helping my cause either. I feel very .. bleh. I only have a baby and a two year old but then, I know the Lord gives us grace according to our need - still, whenever I'm tempted to complain about our laundry, I think about yours. I know, I know, I'm not being very encouraging lol - I'm sorry!

    You could always try my 'exercising while brushing' idea. I do some kind of lower body exercise like a squat variation or rear leg extensions to work the glute.

    Hope you have a profitable and productive week!

  5. Hi there

    We're going to be posting our first Rosa of Linden Castle discussion tomorrow on the LitClub blog and we just wanted to remind you to have your thoughts and discussion ready! We look forward to hearing what you thought about the read so far!

    We have the reading schedule up if you'd like to see what we'll be reading when;


    Miss Amanda

  6. I have a 12 yr old (soon to be 13) daughter, an 8 almost 9 yr old son, a 5 yr old son, and a 2 yr old son. We found out today that Harley's prayers were answered and she will be getting that baby sister she has prayed for for over 3 yrs!!!! We are so excited!!!!!


  7. What about doing an exercise challenge that includes the older kiddos? Maybe Ben can write down all the "stats" (cause I know he'd LOVE to do that) that the kids do each week. I wrote a post today about an exercise challenge we're going to do this summer. It's small but it'll keep us moving and work on goals. Even if it's 2x's a week its better than nothing, ya know? You could include basketball shots, jumping from a certain line to another to see how far they can jump, sit-up, push-ups etc.
