Monday, June 16, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

Sorry I'm late posting!  Had a well-check for my baby girl this morning.  :-)

I like having a weekly goal of how many miles I'm gonna cover.  My goal this past week was 16 miles, and I made 13 1/2.  This week, I plan on making the full 16 now that I've got a better idea of how to fit it in the week without having to workout every day.  Really, the hardest thing for me is keeping my workouts to every other day.  I love exercising, and I really want to lose weight, so it's tempting to workout morning and evening - as if I could.  But I do get carried away at times and exercise every night after the kids go to bed, and I just don't have time for that.  I have to keep myself to every other day so I can take care of business on the off days. 

I really love the Leslie Sansone 4-mile workout I have!  It's a great workout!  I enjoyed the shorter workouts, but they were not as intense as the 4-mile and I would spend the entire time with the shorter workouts trying to make them more difficult.  I'm going to keep that DVD and use it when the kids and I workout together, and see about investing in more of her DVDs with the longer walks. 

Saturday night I was so tired, and we're officially into sweat-weather here in TX.  I did not want to workout.  But I did, and oh glory, our little 3 ft. deep pool saved me when I was done.  I grabbed the kid's noodles, and floated and floated and floated.  Nothing like a giant bathtub for an after-workout soak.  I can't wait to do that again!

In case you didn't hear - Alicia is pregnant!  Drop by her blog and give her a big hug.  She is also celebrating her 4th anniversary.  Woohoo!

Sign-in with Mr. Linky and leave a comment so I'll know you stopped by!  :-)  To learn more about the Exercise Challenge, go HERE.


  1. Glad to hear all is well! Good job on the exercise!


  2. diamondsintheroughJune 16, 2008 at 8:44 AM

    Whoops, Becca, I did not check the date on your last update. I commented on the wrong post, oh well! How come you love to exercise?!? I find that so interesting, lol!! (You can tell I DON'T love to exercise, right?)


  3. Good ol' Kristy is keeping me up to date on checking in! I always forget, so I appreciate her little note in my chat box on Mondays!

  4. Hey Sally!

    I'm sorry I never responded to your comment last week! I just can't seem to keep up with my inbox lately.

    ANYWAY....of course you don't HAVE to check in every week, but we do like to hear from you! I don't want you to feel any pressure to check-in. That makes this whole thing no fun. :-)

    My love of exercise......well, I guess I just like how it feels to exercise. I like to be a little sore from a workout, it feels good to get up and adrenalin gets going and I feel so good after it's done. It's also nice when there's results????? LoL One of these days I'll drop a pound or two! ;-)

  5. Wow. Becca, way to go....13 plus miles sounds so exhausting! Good for you!
