Sunday, June 8, 2008

I Spent 3.48 at CVS Today

Wanna know what I got for 3.48?  I know.  You're dying to know.  HA! 

4 Dove deodorants for 10.00 (earn 3 ECB)
Listerine Smart Rinse - 3.49 (earn 3.49 ECB)
CVS Band-Aids - 1.99 (earn 1.99 ECB)
I used:
4 - .75 off Dove coupons
1.00 off Smart Rinse coupon
$3/$15 CVS coupon
6.99 ECB
For a grand total of 1.49!  (For 15.48 worth of stuff!)

Next transaction:
Excedrin - 9.99 (earn 3 ECB)
Oral B 2 pk. toothbrushes - 6.99 (earn 6.99 ECB)
I used:
2.00 off Excedrin coupon
3.00 off Excedrin coupon that printed out with my CVS receipt a couple of weeks ago.  Woohoo!
$3/$15 CVS coupon
6.99 ECB
For a grand total of 1.99!  (For 16.98 worth of stuff!)

In all, I earned 18.47 in ECBs for my next purchase!

If you're interested in learning about the CVS Extra Care Bucks program, go HERE for CVS 101 by Money Saving Mom.  It will be time well spent.


  1. I got some of the same deals! I love CVS shopping!!



  2. Finally! I found your CVS posts. I don't know how I missed them last time I came by since they were so easy to find this time.

    Anyway, we've just started shopping at CVS and remembered seeing these so had been looking to refresh my memory on what you were doing and check out the 'how to' links you had posted.

    I especially appreciated reading about how you pray about these things because of your earnest desire to spend the money the Lord has given well. We also are trying to lower expenses wherever we can and I haven't prayed about it enough as specifically as this but will begin doing so. Thank-you for sharing these things!


    P.S. still exercising by the way (ok, sorta) - will try to remember to drop in one Monday.

  3. Alicia! I'm so excited that you started shopping CVS! Oh, the money you will save!!! :-)

    And I'm glad you're still can tell from Mr.Linky that we've lost quite a few people!
