Monday, June 30, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

Hey everyone.  I'm sorry I did not get a chance to visit your entries for last week.  It was one of those weeks....Monday night was mine and hubby's date night, Tuesday night I was getting ready for First Daughter's 10TH birthday (first cake was a disaster, 2nd attempt was wonderful), which was on Wednesday.  Wednesday was consumed with celebrating. Thursday, I was recovering (read: crashed on the couch as soon as the kids went to bed), Friday we took a very last minute trip to see Wall-E (it was SO good.  Go see it and take your kids, too.  ;-), and I can't even remember what was going on Saturday night.  eeek!

Needless to say, I did not exercise all week.  I am anxious to get back at it.....Tuesday.  Date night again tonight!  I plan on working out with my Cindy Crawford video this week.  Should be a great week of extreme sore muscles. 

My husband and I are throwing the idea of a weight-loss challenge around.  The biggest obstacle is trying to figure out what the winner receives.  I mean, what's his is mine and vice versa, so it feels a bit weird to bet cash.......I'm sure we'll settle on something.  :-)

I'm looking forward to connecting with you all again this week! 

Rachel, I am SO going to be looking for you as you get in your exercise walking around town!!!!

Sign-in with Mr. Linky and leave a comment so I'll know you came by!  To read more about this challenge, go HERE.


  1. My post will be up in a few mins. The next two weeks are going to be hard to exercise and eat right.ugh.


  2. I wanted to let you know that after conversation with DH and prayer I'm going to be stepping out of the blogging community, just so you're not so confused by the sudden disappearance of my blog. Everyone has my best wishes as they continue to exercise!

  3. OK, walked this weekend but I haven't walked today, I'll try later but if not I'll get up in the morning to walk...and hit the gym. I'm so tired today and we went to Ci Ci's for lunch...not a good choice!

  4. I totaled up my miles since I started keeping track and I've walked 232 miles!!


    no wonder my feet are sore. LOL

  5. Alicia, I am going to miss visiting your blog. Please check-in and give us all an update on your pregnancy and life in general. :-)

    Kristy, 232 miles is amazing. I hope you've got some good shoes! Maybe it's time to invest. LoL
