Monday, July 14, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

It was more of the same for me last week.  My Husband worked and worked and worked.  We are both worn out.  His is a mental worn out while mine is a physical worn out.  I honestly don't know how a single mom gets by.  I did a lot of praying for all the single moms that I know while I was trying to keep up with things.  Goodness knows I have nothing to complain about.  My Husband is wonnnnnnderful.

So while I didn't get to officially exercise, I did make the extra effort to do things that made things more of a challenge.  I took the stairs two at a time, did some vertical crunches.....every time I bent over to pick something up (I think my abs are getting sore ;-).  First and Only Husband thinks this week should be better.  I'm not holding my breath.  We're just gonna have to see.

I hope you guys were able to get more done than me! 


  1. I am just checking in. I still have had no real time to exercise. we did lots of walking in on Saturday at the Hoover Dam, that's been it. My grandson leaves on Tuesday, so I should be back it then.


  2. diamondsintheroughJuly 14, 2008 at 5:12 PM

    Hi Becca, I didn't post, but I am going to check in here. Guess what! I finally hit the three month mark, walking 5-6 days a week, and almost overnight I lost 7 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!! Oh boy do I feel better. I don't look any different, but I am soooo thankful for the encouragement. My bathroom scale tells lies, and I really thought it was fibbing to me, but when my husband stepped on it he had gained. So somewhere in there I have a net loss. Happy day! Now it's my turn to say, "Keep at it, you'll get results eventually!"

    I loved your hair post. If only I had long hair. My girls have come up with some very interesting (and UGLY) designs in my hair. LOL


  3. on the wagon - I pray. LOL Life has been crazy busy - but I'm trying again.


  4. Thanks! this is great...I've been swimming for exercies. I begain about 2 weeks ago, I'll swim for about 30 min 5 times a week. I'm so excited about this challenge. I'm also changing my eating habits; increased veggies, decreased sugars and carbs, and increased water...thanks again for this great challenge ;-)

  5. Kristy, little changes and kinks in the schedule really take over, don't they? :-)

    Sally, I am so excited for you!!!!!! You give us all the inspiration to keep on!

    Welcome back, De'Etta. It's been weird without you!

    And welcome, Penny!!!!
